Track Talk – January 2015

Happy New Year! I hope you had some good tramping over the holidays. The weather certainly was pretty useful.

New Chief Guide & Assistant Chief Guide

At the end of March and after a couple of years in the job both Debbie and I will be stepping down from our club roles. We will still continue to have an active part in the club just in a less official capability. We are therefore on the lookout for two keen club members to take our places.

Both roles are key to the running of the club and if you haven’t yet served on the committee perhaps now is the time?

Definitions for the roles can be found on the club website

If you are interested please contact me at

Trip Planning night & Trip suggestions

It is hard to believe as we all swelter in the heat to a typical (?)  Wellington day but it is time to start our winter trip planning. First of all I need your ideas for the trip schedule. I usually can come up with enough but I have loved the way people suggest all sorts of new adventures both near and far. You can email with any  actual trip, road ends, forest/national parks or a vague description of something you thought sounded cool. If you offer to lead a trip that locks in the road end!

Then on the 4th March we will have our trip planning night. The lure of FREE pizza is why you should be there! It doesn’t matter whether you are an expert or new to tramping we pair people up with a mix of experience and everybody gets a chance to design the tramps for a weekend or two. This is a great opportunity for those haven’t planned trips before to learn, it is a good tramping life skill.

Emergency Contact Sheets

The emergency contact system is one of the key safety mechanisms of the club. Sarah Fisher does a great job arranging these contacts so please can all of us make it easier for her.

Can all trip leaders fill in the forms and send them through to the emergency contact. Can all people going on trips send their emergency details through to trip leaders promptly and therefore prevent the trip leader having to send out chasing up emails.

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