Track Talk – September 2013

Mike Phethean, Chief Guide

Hopefully you are all aware that the Spring Schedule is now published both on the web and in print. Thank you to all those people who signed up to be leaders it is very much appreciated.

There really is a great range of trips coming up and it just remains for you all to sign up!

In January there are three trips to the South Island and these will require flights down to Christchurch. It is up to members to book their own flights and booking as far in advance as possible is recommended as it is cheaper. If you want to go on any of these trips email the trip leader to find out which flights you will need. The Southern Alps really are great so, I would recommend that every ones goes.

The South Island Spring schedule trips are:

Tramp EM Edwards – Hawdon Megan Sety
Tramp MF Big Tops Dmitry Alkhimov
Alp 2 F Dasler Pinnacles Sharron Came

Coming up sooner, there are two trips in November to Mt Cook National Park which also require flights:

Alp 1 M Ball Pass Stephen Healey
Alp2 MF Tasman Saddle Mike Phethean

Christmas Trips

This is a good time of year for members to think about their Christmas plans. Whilst some of you will be having the roast dinner with trimmings, others may be contemplating a trip for a few days into the wilderness. Generally it is good to do a few days longer than a normal club trip.

This year, like last year, we won’t be organizing any trips on the schedule but we would like to act as support and a forum for club members to organize their trips. These trips require quite extensive organization of logistics. Please be prepared to help out and plan as a team. Club trips will be able to take out club gear as per normal and if required have access to the vans and Interislander ferry bookings. To make sure they are club trips, there are a few requirements listed below:

1)   Any trip must have more than 3 club members on it.

2)   More than 50% of the people on it must be club members.

3)   The trips must be notified to the chief guide and advertised on the website forum.

4)   The trip leader can refuse to take anyone without the need for explanation.

5)   The trip must use the club emergency contact person system.

6)   The trip must be for an activity that the club supports (e.g. tramping, kayaking, climbing).

Send me your ideas. If you just want to go with a few like minded people, just email and I will see if I can get some groups together.

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