The Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club is an outdoor adventuring club
that runs tramping, mountaineering, and other activities over the weekends and holidays.
We have more than 600 club members from all walks of life.

We have trips exploring near and far every weekend.

Read the Newsletter …… Trip schedule …… Your first trip with the club

Book Paua Hut…..Book Ruapehu Lodge ….. Find us on Facebook

  • Stumpy Stream
  • Mt Potts
  • WTMC Ruapehu Lodge
  • The Pommel
  • Dorset Ridge Tarn
  • Tasman Lake
  • Sunrise in Manson Country
  • Te Ao Whekere, Seaward Kaikoura Range
  • Jumbo - Holdsworth circuit
  • Mt Titiroa Fiordland National Park