WTMC Trip Schedule

About the trip schedule

  • If you are new to the club, we recommend an Easy (E) or Easy-Medium (EM) for your first trip. Trips with an asterix (*) are particularly suitable for beginners/new members e.g. relatively short days, max 400m elevation gain and/or well formed tracks.
  • More information about Grades, What to Pack and Going on Club Trips is available on the website. Find out what’s included in trip fees.
  • To propose ideas for new tramps, lead a trip or for any other queries relating to club trips, please email the Chief Guide.
  • The club has a Families group, dedicated to parents and their kids. For any questions and to find out about upcoming trips, email .

WTMC Alpine trips 2024: We are trialling a slightly different approach to mountaineering trips this year. Participants are be required to complete two types of forms:
– a 2024 season registration form, which includes all information about participant skills and experience for the season;
– an online sign up form for each alpine trip the participant wants to attend; with trip-specific details such as route and experience/skills required.

Important note: Please note signing up is a way to express of interest only. Participation to a trip is subject to number of spots available and other factors e.g. suitable fitness.

Online Schedule

Last update: 22 October 2024

11-13 October

  • Alp 1(F) Seaward Kaikoura ranges, Manakau from Grange road. (Tiffany Shih/Paul McCredie), signup closes: 18 Sep 2024. Friday off work required. Thu evening ferry. Fri walk up Hapuku river to Stace saddle and and scramble to Stace saddle. Up along surveyor spur and high camp about 1900m. Long day scrambling wtih rough terrain and 1600m elevation gain. Sat alpine start, summit Mt Manakau, pack up camp and down to Hapuku hut. Sun walk back out. Sign up online
  • Tramp (MF) Tararua FP, Maungahuka Hut from Waiohine Gorge Rd. map (Sara Harrison), signup closes: 25 Sep 2024. Friday night – into Totara flats via waiohine rd end. Saturday- to Maungahuka via Neil Forks hut. Sunday – out the same way and back to wellington Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp (M) Tararua FP, Winchcombe Bivvy from Waiohine Gorge Rd. map (Monique Bon), signup closes: 25 Sep 2024. Fri – to Wiohine rd end and Cone hut. Sat- to Winchombe Biv via Cone and Neil ridge. Sun – out to the roadend and back to Wellington Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp (EM) Nelson Lakes NP, Lake Rotoiti Loop from St Arnaud. map (Leader required), signup closes: 18 Sep 2024. CANCELLED. Cancelled no leader. Loop track to Coldwater hut or Lakehead hut, enjoy good views of the mountains and maybe a cold dip along the way. Get dropped off/picked up in St Arnaud by the other groups Sign up online

17-20 October

  • Tramp(M) Ruahine FP, Toka Biv loop from Kashmir Road from Kashmir Rd. map (Regan McGillicuddy), signup closes: 01 Oct 2024. Hut bagging loop – NEEDS FRIDAY OFF + LEAVING THURSDAY AFTER WORK – Thursday – After work, drive to Moorcock Saddle, then in the dark walk down to Awatere Hut. Friday – Down Makaretu River (North Branch) to Makaretu Hut, with a side trip to Happy Daze Hut. Up and over Te Pohatu to Leon Kinvig Hut (currently closed). Tent there, or if the hut is repaired in time, stay in the hut. Saturday – Up to Toka, with a side detour of Toka Biv. North to pt. 1505, down to Top Gorge Hut. Sunday – Up to Longview, back to the car, then back to Wellington. Max group size of 4. Sign up online

18-20 October

  • Tramp(M) Ruahine FP, Top Gorge Hut from Kashmir Rd. map (Leader required), signup closes: 02 Oct 2024. CANCELLED. Cancelled no leader. Leave Friday after work. Saturday Walk to Top Gorge Hut via Pohangia Saddle and the tops, maybe with a detour to bag Tunupō. Sunday return out the same way. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(EM) Ruahine FP, Makaretu Hut from Kashmir Rd. map (Leader required), signup closes: 02 Oct 2024. CANCELLED. Cancelled no leader. Leave Friday after work. Saturday Walk to Makaretu Hut via the ridge track and stay overnight. Sunday if conditions allow maybe walk out via the Makaretu River North Branch and Awatere Hut Sign up online Tags

24-28 October (Labour Weekend)

  • Tramp(E*) St James Conservation Area, Kōhanga Atawhai – Manson Nicholls Hut from Magdalen Rd. map (Leader required), signup closes: 01 Oct 2024. CANCELLED. Cancelled – no leader. NEEDS FRI OFF – D1 – Ferry Thursday night, then camp at Deer Valley campsite. D2 -Drop off M and MF groups, then cruisy walk up the river to Lake Daniell (3h). Stay for a couple of days, explore the area and relax by the lake. D4 – walk out the same way, then pick up M/MF groups at Foleys track and SH7 Lewis Pass Rd. Hut must be booked or bring tents. Sign up online
  • Nav (MF) St James Conservation Area, Mt Travers from Magdalen Rd. map (Lynsey Sutton), signup closes: 01 Oct 2024. NEEDS FRI OFF -D1 – Ferry Thursday night, then camp at Deer Valley campsite. D2 – Up to Travers peak and along the tops to Faust peak. Camp on the tops or near tarns near point 1607 (Faust peak route mentioned in the wild things website). D3 – down to Boyle campsite then extra jaunt up river to Magdalen Hut. D4 – Out to Boyle road end, followed by soak at Muria springs! Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(M) St James Conservation Area, St James walkway from Magdalen Rd. map (Anna Spencer), signup closes: 01 Oct 2024. NEEDS FRI OFF -66km St James walkway. D1 – Ferry Thursday night, then camp at Deer Valley Campsite. D2 – get dropped off at top off St James walkway by E group, then to Christopher Hut. D3 – Rockby Hut. D4- out to Boyle Campsite and Magdalen Road for pick up by E group then ferry. Sign up online Tags

25-28 October (Labour Weekend)

  • Tramp(MF) Tararua FP, Dorset Ridge Hut from Kiriwhakapapa Road End. (Sara Harrison), signup closes: 09 Oct 2024. CANCELLED. Cancelled no sign ups. NEEDS FRI OFF. 4 day / 3-night Eastern Tararua Loop. Fri – to Arete Forks Hut, Sat – Dorset Ridge Hut via Tarn ridge, Sun – Cow Creek, via Mitre Peak and Mitre Flats Hut, Mon – out to road end. Max group size of 4. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(M) Tararua FP, Arete Forks Hut from Kiriwhakapapa Road End. (Monique Bon), signup closes: 09 Oct 2024. Fri – to Blue Range Hut, Sat – Arete Forks Hut via Cow Creek and Arete stream, Sun – Cow Creek via Table Ridge, Mon – out to road end. Sign up online Tags

1-3 November

  • Tramp(EM) Ruahine FP, Rangiwahia Hut from Renfrew Rd . map (Leader required), signup closes: 16 Oct 2024. CANCELLED. Cancelled no leader. Leave Friday after work. Booking needed for Saturday night at Rangiwahia Hut. Easy 1-3 hour tramp on the Saturday, straight to Rangiwahia, or if weather is tops for the tops, take the long way round on the deadmans loop to Rangiwahia and have a scenic breakfast in bed and an easy breezy return trip to the rod end on Sun OR up to Mangamahue peak bag before returning to the road end. Coordinate with M group Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(M) Ruahine FP, Triangle Hut from Renfrew Rd . map (Leader required), signup closes: 16 Oct 2024. CANCELLED. Cancelled no leader. Drive up on the Friday, Easy 1-3 hour tramp on the Saturday, straight to Rangiwahia, bag Mangamahue (1661m), then down to Triangle Hut for the night or camping up on the ridge. Back to road end via Deadmans loop Sun. Sign up online Tags

8-10 November

  • Tramp(M) Tararua FP, Winchcombe Bivvy from Otaki Gorge Rd. map (Sara Harrison), signup closes: 23 Oct 2024. Field on Friday night, tramp over the southern crossing to Mount Hector and then down to the biv for Saturday night. Tramp back out on Sun. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(EM) Tararua FP, Waitewaewae Hut from Otaki Gorge Rd. map (Tony Stephens), signup closes: 23 Oct 2024. A solid EM trip, along the river. A slice of Tararua mud and scramble without too much elevation gain. Enjoy a refreshing dip at the hut. Sign up online Tags

15-18 November

  • Nav(MF) Ruahine Forest Park, Sawtooth Ridge from Kashmir Road. map (Lynsey Sutton), signup closes: 29 Oct 2024. 3 nights, Monday off work required. Depart Friday afternoon. Sawtooth Ridge, from Moorcock saddle. D1 – to Howletts Hut. D2 -Sawtooth Ridge to Dahphne Hut. D3 – Out to Road End. Max group size of 4. Sign up online Tags

14-17 November

  • Nav(M) St James Conservation Area, Lake Guyon Hut from St James Conservation Area. map (Lynsey Sutton), signup closes: 22 Oct 2024. CANCELLED. No sign ups – alternative trip added (Sawtooth Ridge). Fri or Mon off. D1 – Ferry, drop MF group in Lake Rotoroa. Drive to the Camp at Lake Tennyson. D2- climb up to the scenic ‘Princess bath’ alpine tarn (1700m) and back to camp. D3 – St James cycle walkway and Moki track to Lake Guyon hut, D4 – back tthe same way to Lake tennyson to meet MF group
  • Tramp (MF) Nelson Lakes NP, Blue Lake Hut from Gowan Valley Rd. map (Regan McGillicuddy), signup closes: 22 Oct 2024. CANCELLED. Cancelled logistics not tenable. Fri or Mon off. D1 – Ferry. Drop off by EM group camp at Lake Rotoroa Campsite. D2 -Water taxi to Sabine hut, tramp to Blue Lake hut. D3 – Waiouau pass route to over Waioau Pass to Caroline creek biv. D4 – to Lake Tennyson to meet up with EM group. Sign up online Tags

16 November

  • Day(M) Remutaka FP, Orongorongo Hut Bagging from Catchpool Valley Rd. (Monique Bon), signup closes: 31 Oct 2024. Orongorongo Hut Bagging. A day trip in the Orongorongo’s visiting the historic huts above the Big Bend Track and the Brown Stream areas. Be prepared for 6-7 hours at a a good pace, river crossing and some bush bashing. Sign up online

16-17 November

  • Tramp(EM) Tararua FP, Field Hut from Otaki Gorge Rd. map (Louis Martin + Nate Exton), signup closes: 31 Oct 2024. Sat – Steady climb of around 800m up to Field Hut to enjoy the views of the Tararuas from Table tops. Potential for side trip to bag Kime hut Sat afternoon or Sunday morning. Return the same way Sunday. Co-ordinate transport with EM group. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(*E) Tararua FP, Parawai Lodge from Otaki Gorge Rd. map (Leader required), signup closes: 31 Oct 2024. Nice easy walk to Parawai lodge with plenty of options for day walks and potentially camping at Ōtaki Forks Campsite. This would be a great first tramp. Sun – out same way. Co-ordinate transport with E* group. Sign up online Tags

22-24 November

  • Tramp(M) Aorangi Ranges, Aorangi Crossing from Palliser Rd, Magatoetoe. map (Sara Harrison), signup closes: 06 Nov 2024. Aorangi Crossing. Fri night to Mangatoetoe Hut. Saturday Parakai Hut, via Kawakawa Hut. Out sunday via Washpool Hut, to Putangirua Pinnicles Campsite. Pick up by EM group Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(EM) Aorangi Ranges, Mangatoetoe Hut from Palliser Rd, Magatoetoe. map (Matthew Deeley), signup closes: 06 Nov 2024. Fri night to Mangatoetoe Hut. Sat to Kawakawa Hut. Out same way Sunday, then pick up MF group. Sign up online Tags
  • Day/Nav (M) Kaitoke FP, Putaputa Shelter from Marchant Rd. map (Daniel Madley), signup closes: 06 Nov 2024. If this one wasn’t on your hut bagging radar, it should be! A varied loop up the spur to pt 641, down to the shelter, followed by an awkward siddle back to the swingbridge track. Sign up online

29 November – 01 December

  • Tramp(MF) Tararua FP, Jacks Flat Biv from Mt Holdsworth Rd. map (Regan McGillicuddy), signup closes: 13 Nov 2024. NEEDS FRIDAY OFF – Friday to the Mt Holdsworth Road end, tramping to Jumbo Hut. Saturday – Up past Angle Knob, via the aircraft wreck and Angle Knob, to Jacs Biv. Down Waiohine River to Mid Waiohine Hut for the night. Sunday back to the car park via Isabelle/Holdsworth Max group size of 4. Sign up online

30 November – 1 December

  • Tramp(EM) Tararua FP, Waiopehu Hut from Poads Rd. map (Jacqui Bozoky), signup closes: 14 Nov 2024. Travel to Poads Rd, then take the Te Araroa Trail and Waiopehu Track up to Waiopehu Hut (970m), approx 5 hours (9.5 km). Option to explore the area around the hut. The hut also has a deck – with views of Lake Horowhenua, Kapiti Coast and Dundas Ridge. Sunday out the same way. Sign up online Tags

5-8 December

  • Tramp/Nav(MF/F) Tararua FP, Park Valley Explore from Poads Road. map (No leader), signup closes: 19 Nov 2024. NEEDS FRIDAY OFF – In to camp site next to Ohau Thursday night. Friday up river to South Ohau, up Yeats track onto Te Matawai ridge and up to Lancaster. Drop into Park Valley to camp. Saturday travel downstream in Park valley and exit at Park Forks to Carkeek or Nichols. Out to Poads Road from there on Sunday. Sign up online

7-8 December

  • Tramp(EM) Tararua FP, Mangahao Flats Hut from Mangahao Dam. map (Ashley Chin), signup closes: 21 Nov 2024. Travel to road end Saturday, then follow Mangahao River for approx 5km to Mangahao Flats Hut. Sunday out the same way Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp (M) Tararua FP, Mangahao Flats Hut from Poads Road. map (Tiffany Shih), signup closes: 21 Nov 2024. Drop off at Poads Road end Saturday by EM group, then up the river to South Ohau, over Girdlestone Saddle and on to Mangahao Flats Hut to join the EM group for dinner. Sunday out to Mangahao Dam. Sign up online Tags

13-15 December

  • Tramp(MF) Ruahine FP, Te Atuaoparapara from North Block Rd. map (Lynsey Sutton), signup closes: 27 Nov 2024. Stay at Triplex or Sunrise Hut (bookings needed) on Friday night, Sat over Armstrong saddle, then onto Te Atuaoparapara and over Waikamaka Hut for the night. Sun out via Waipawa saddle. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(E*) Ruahine FP, Sunrise Hut from North Block Rd . map (Elizabeth Ashby and Gina Chamberlain), signup closes: 27 Nov 2024. Fri night at Triplex Hut. Walk up to Sunrise Hut on a well graded track. Optional side trip to Top Maropea Hut. Sunday out the same way (bookings required) Sign up online Tags

21-22 December

  • Tramp(M) Remutaka FP, Papatahi Crossing from Sunny Grove. map (Daniel Madley), signup closes: 05 Dec 2024. Drop off by E* group Sat morning on Wairarapa side then walk in to Papatahi Hut (bookings required). Sunday walk to Sunny Grove via Whakanui Track for pick up by the E group or bus home. Coord transport with E group. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(E*) Remutaka FP, Waiorongomai Hut from Western Lake Road. map (No leader), signup closes: 05 Dec 2024. Great first tramp, with well marked easy going track. A few stream and river crossings. The hut only sleeps 4 so some may need to camp. Possibly some other side trips on both days (Putangirua Pinnicles or Mount Firth near Featherston?) Coordinate transport with M group. Sign up online

28 December

  • Day / Pack Float(M) Remutaka FP, Turere Stream from Sunny Grove. map (No leader), signup closes: 12 Dec 2024. A great ‘off-track’ day trip down Turere Stream, with some compulsory swims and rock scrambles along the way. Enter via Sunny Grove tracks to stream head, travel downstream bypassing waterfall. Out to Catchpool via 5 Mile Track. Car shuttle or family/ friend pick up needed. Sign up online Tags

3-8 January

  • Tramp(M) Nelson Lakes NP, Travers-Sabine Loop from St Arnaud. map (Sara Harrison), signup closes: 11 Dec 2024. We’ll do this classic 80 km loop over 4 nights / 5 days. Experience tranquil beech forests, fields of waving tussocks, 2000‑m‑high mountains, and clear rushing streams in the heart of the mountains of Nelson Lakes National Park. Take a ferry on afternoon of 3 Jan, staying at St Arnaud, then return by Ferry evening of 8 Jan. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(EM) Nelson Lakes NP, Lake Rotoiti and Angelus Hut from St Arnaud. map (Tony Barnes), signup closes: 11 Dec 2024. We will do the first part of Lake Rotoiti circuit, D1 to Coldwater hut or Lakehead hut. D2 climb Cascade track to Angelus Hut (bookings required). D3 down to Speargrass Hut. D4 back to St Arnaud. Enjoy good views of the mountains and maybe a cold dip along the way. Take a ferry on afternoon of 3 Jan, staying at St Arnaud, then return by Ferry evening of 8 Jan. Sign up online Tags

11 January

  • Day(EM) Wellington, Skyline Walkway from Mākara Road. map (Natasha Hulston), signup closes: 26 Dec 2024. You can’t beat Wellington on a good day! Take a bus to Mākara, then journey along Wellington’s highest peaks on the13km Skyline walkway from Mākara Saddle to Mount Kaukau in Johnsonville. Bus back to the city, perhaps after a beer. Sign up online Tags

17-20 January 25

  • Day(EM / M) Tongariro NP, Big Weekend at the Lodge from Bruce Road. map (Sara Harrison), signup closes: 01 Jan 2025. Spend Wellington Anniversary weekend at our luxurious WTMC Ruapehu Lodge with full working kitchen, lighting and heated bunkrooms. Choice of splendid day walks each day across a volcanic alpine landscape of dramatic contrasts or lush valley streams; Tongariro Crossing (20.2 one way), Whakapapaiti Valley Track loop, Silica Rapids, Tama Lakes plus more. Travel Fri night. Day walks Sat, Sun and Mon. Return Monday afternoon. Coordinate transport with EM tramp group. Sign up online
  • Tramp(EM ) Tongariro NP, Tongariro Northern Circuit from Bruce Road. map (No leader), signup closes: 01 Jan 2025. A great walk for Wellington Anniversary weekend! Tongariro Northern Circuit over 3 days. Stay at The Club’s Ruapehu Lodge on Fri night. Head to Waihohonu Hut via Tama Lakes Saturday, then up to the Emerald lakes (and perhaps Mt Tongariro) and over to Mangetepopo Hut Sunday (hut bookings required). Out to Whakapapa to join up with the EM daywalk group then home on Monday. Sign up online Tags

24-26 January

  • Tramp(E) Ruahine FP, Mid Pohangina Hut from Pohangina Valley East Road. map (Elizabeth Ashby), signup closes: 08 Jan 2025. Friday travel to Piripiri Campsite. Saturday to Mid Pohangina Hut via Mid Pohangina Hut (4-6 hours). Sunday out the same way. Some may need to camp as there are only 4 bunks (access through private farmland required). Co-ord transport with M group. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(M) Ruahine FP, Mid Pohangina – Ngamoko – Piripiri Loop from Pohangina Valley East Road. map (James Wood), signup closes: 08 Jan 2025. Friday travel to Piripiri Campsite. Saturday to Ngamoko Hut via Mid Pohangina Hut Sidle Track and Mid Pohangina Hut (4-6 hours), and then approx 3 hours up the river to Nagmoko Hut. Sunday follow ground trails up onto the tops (1045m), then down to Piripiri Hut (750m) and follow Piripiri stream back to Pohangina River and out to the road end (access through private farmland required). Co-ord transport with EM group. Sign up online

1 – 2 February

  • Tramp(M) Remutaka FP, Whakanui Track & Paua Hut from Sunny Grove. map (Daniel Madley), signup closes: 16 Jan 2025. Whakanui Track to Paua Hut on Saturday and share a meal with the other Club groups. Out Sunday via McKerrow Track. Stay with The E and MF groups and tell stories. Sign up online
  • Tramp(MF) Remutaka FP, Mt Matthews & Paua Hut from Catchpool Valley Road. map (Tiffany Shih), signup closes: 16 Jan 2025. On Saturday, summit Mt Matthews, the tallest peak in the Remutaka. Finish at Paua Hut for the night where the other Club groups will prepare a shared meal. Visit some of the historic private Orongorongo huts on the trip out. Sign up online
  • Tramp(E*) Remutaka FP, New Member Tramp to Paua Hut from Catchpool Valley Road. map (Tony Barnes), signup closes: 16 Jan 2025. Leave Saturday and walk the Orongorongo Track and explore the beautiful Orongorongo Valley finishing at the Club’s Paua Hut for the night and a shared meal with other Club groups. Visit some of the historic private Orongorongo huts on the return. Sign up online

1-2 February

  • Course(EM) TBC (Likely Remutaka FP), Intermediate Bushcraft Course from TBC. (OTNZ Instructor), signup closes: 16 Jan 2025. EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST ONLY. Club funded 2-day Intermediate Bushcraft course for WTMC trip leaders. Alternative date 15-16 Feb 25. The course aims to consolidate the bushcraft skills and knowledge of the participant and is targeted at new or emerging trip leaders. Sign up online Tags

6-9 February

  • Tramp(MF) Kaimanawa, Oamaru Hut from Clement Mill Road. map (James Wood), signup closes: 21 Jan 2025. REQUIRES FRIDAY OFF. Waitangi weekend in the Kaimanawas. Depart Thursday and spend the night at Te Iringa campsite. Fri walk to Oamaru Hut via Te Iringa track. Sat to Cascade Hut to join EM group for a shared meal. Sunday out via Hinemaiaia track Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(EM) Kaimanawa, Cascade Hut from Clement Mill Road. map (Ashley Chin), signup closes: 21 Jan 2025. REQUIRES FRIDAY OFF. Waitangi weekend in the Kaimanawas. Depart Thursday and spend the night at Te Iringa campsite. Fri walk to Cascade Hut via Hinemaiaia track, perhaps with a dip along the way in one of the beautifully clear swimming holes in the river. Sat chill out for the day by the river or take a walk to bag Turangi-Taupo Hut or up to Maungaorangi (1436m). Share a meal with MF group Sat night, and walk out the same way Sunday. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(EM) Kaweka FP, Te Puia Hut from Makahu Road. map (Elizabeth Ashby and Gina Chamberlain), signup closes: 21 Jan 2025. REQUIRES FRIDAY OFF. Waitangi weekend hot springs in the Kawekas. Depart Thursday and spend the night at Norsewood or Balls Clearing Scenic Reserve. Friday follow Te Puia track up the Mohaka River to Te Puia Hut. Head further up the river to Mangatainoka Hot Springs and camp there or return to Te Puia Hut. Saturday head up to Mangatutu Hut. Sunday out to the road end at Mangatutu Hot Springs Campsite for another soak before heading home. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(M) Kaweka FP, Venison Tops Loop from Makahu Road. map (No leader), signup closes: 21 Jan 2025. REQUIRES FRIDAY OFF. Waitangi weekend hot springs in the Kawekas. Depart Thursday and spend the night at Norsewood or Balls Clearing Scenic Reserve. Friday to Venison Tops Hut or Ballard Hut via Middle Hill Hut. Saturday to Te Puia Hut / Managitainoka Hot Springs. Sunday out to the road end at Mangatutu Hot Springs Campsite for another soak before heading home. Sign up online
  • Tramp(MF) Kaweka FP, Pukeohikarua Loop from Makahu Road. map (No leader), signup closes: 21 Jan 2025. REQUIRES FRIDAY OFF. Waitangi weekend hot springs in the Kawekas. Depart Thursday and spend the night at Norsewood or Balls Clearing Scenic Reserve. Friday to Rocks Ahead Hut, via Venison Tops Hut. Saturday to Harkness Hut or Te Puke Hut. Sunday out to the road end at Mangatutu Hot Springs Campsite for a quick soak before heading home. Sign up online

14-16 February

  • Tramp(MF) Tararua FP, Dorset Loop from The Pines. map (Mathew Denys), signup closes: 29 Jan 2025. Steep rock scrambles, fantastic views from the tops and a touch of off-track travel on this loop! Fri into Mitre Flats hut. Saturday up Mitre Peak, Girdlestone and to Dorset Ridge hut. Sunday off track down to Dorset Creek, up to South King, to Mitre Flats and out. Coord transport with EM group. Sign up online
  • Tramp(EM) Tararua FP, Mitre Peak from The Pines. map (Jacqui Bozoky), signup closes: 29 Jan 2025. Stay at Mitre Flats Hut Friday night, then day trip up to Pukeamoamo/Mitre Peak Saturday. Out the same way Sunday. Coord transport with MF group. Sign up online Tags

20-23 February

  • Tramp(MF) Ruahine FP, Parks Peak / Corner Creek from Mangleton Road. map (No leader), signup closes: 04 Feb 2025. REQUIRE FRIDAY OFF. D1 – Depart Friday morning. To Upper Makaroro Hut via Parks Peak. D2 – travel the tarn speckled tops, visiting Kylie Biv, on the way to Ruahine Corner. D3: back across the tops via abandoned Aranga Hut and Pohtuhaha to road end. Sign up online Tags

21-23 February

  • Tramp(M) Ruahine FP, Upper Makaroro Hut from Mangleton Road. map (Lynsey Sutton), signup closes: 05 Feb 2025. Travel Friday night and up to Sentry Box Hut upon arrival. Saturday to Upper Makaroro Hut with optional side trip to Kylie Biv. Sunday out to Mangleton Road via Golden Crown Ridge (and maybe bag abandoned Aranga Hut) for pick up by EM group. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(EM) Ruahine FP, Upper Makaroro Hut from Mangleton Road. map (Tony Barnes), signup closes: 05 Feb 2025. Travel Friday night and stay at Sentry Box Hut. Saturday to Upper Makaroro Hut. Sunday out the same way to road end. Sign up online Tags

28 February – 2 March

  • Tramp(EM) Tararua FP, Pizzas and Powell from Holdsworth Road. map (Elizabeth Ashby), signup closes: 12 Feb 2025. Leave Fri night and enjoy the best secret pizzas in the Wairarapa. Camp at road end or stay at Holdsworth lodge on Friday night tbc. Walk to Powell on Saturday and enjoy good views of the Wairarapa (bookings required). Sun go to Mt Holdsworth and come back the same way. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(M) Tararua FP, Pizzas and Mid-Waiohine from Holdsworth Road. map (Sara Harrison), signup closes: 12 Feb 2025. Leave Fri night and enjoy the best secret pizzas in the Wairarapa. Camp at road end on Friday night. A classic Tararua tramp, bagging Holdsworth Lodge, Mountain House Shelter, Powell and Mid Waiohine Huts. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp / Pack Float(MF/F) Tararua FP, Waiohine Pack Float via Jacs Flat Biv from Holdsworth Road. map (Emily Shrosbree), signup closes: 12 Feb 2025. Tramp into Jumbo on Friday night. Saturday over Angle Knob, down to McGregor Biv and on down spur to Waiohine river. Packfloat downstream to mid-Waiohine hut for the night. Some compulsory swims so participants must be water competent. Sunday walk out via Isabelle and Mt Holdsworth and Powell Hut. Sign up online Tags

8 March

  • Day(M) Belmont Regional Park, Puke Ariki from Manor Park. map (Megan Madley), signup closes: 20 Feb 2025. Day walk on either 8 or 9 Mar (pending weather). Train to Manor Park station and walk the Puke Ariki track (approx. 21km) back to Petone, before taking the train back to Wellington. Lovely views across the Kapiti Coast, South Island, Wellington and Hutt Valley, with some historic structures (ie. gun emplacements) to see as well. Sign up online Tags
  • Day / Pack Float(M) Tararua FP, Tauherenikau River from Kiwi Ranch Road. map (No leader), signup closes: 20 Feb 2025. Packfloat day trip down Tauherenikau from Smith Creek Shelter. 8hr day with 6hr river travel (incl compulsory swims). Requires car shuffle. Sign up online Tags

13-16 March

  • Tramp(EM) Kahurangi NP, Salisbury Lodge from Cobb Dam Road. map (Monique Bon), signup closes: 18 Feb 2025. REQUIRES FRIDAY OFF. Ferry Thursday night then stay at Trilobite Hut or Cobb River Campsite. D1- taking the track to Lake Peel we’ll explore the picturesque Tablelands staying at Salisbury Lodge and visiting the nearby Sphinx Valley cave. D2- back the same way, with a side trip to Deep Creek Biv. D3 – Climb to the hut at Sylvester Lakes and walk out with the MF group. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(MF) Kahurangi NP, Lockett Range Loop from Cobb Dam Road. map (Lynsey Sutton), signup closes: 18 Feb 2025. REQUIRES FRIDAY OFF. Ferry Thursday night then stay at Trilobite Hut or Cobb River Campsite – route details tbc but will try for as much open tops and long days as feasible with the weather window. Sign up online

21-23 March

  • Tramp(EM) Tararua FP, Cow Creek Hut from Kiriwhakapapa Road End. map (No leader), signup closes: 05 Mar 2025. Fri night drop off M group, then to Kiwiwhakapapa Road End and up to Blue Range Hut. Sat walk down to Cow Creek Hut. Sun back the same way. Drop off MF car at Holdsworth road end and pick up M group, then back to Wellington. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(M) Tararua FP, McGregor Biv from Holdsworth Road. map (Monique Bon), signup closes: 05 Mar 2025. Friday get dropped off by the EM group, then in to Atiwhakatu, Saturday to McGregor Biv, Sunday out. Co-ord transport with EM group. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp / Pack Float(MF/F) Tararua FP, Waiohine Headwaters Explore from Kiriwhakapapa Road End. map (Emily Shrosbree), signup closes: 05 Mar 2025. REQUIRES FRIDAY OFF. In to Arete Forks on Friday via Blue Range hut. Saturday climb up to Waiohine Pinnacles and drop into headwaters, then travel downstream to camp. Sunday continue downstream to just south of Park Forks and exit via spur up to McGregor Biv. Car shuttle required (EM group drop off car on Sunday). Sign up online

28-30 March

  • Tramp(EM) Egmont NP, Pouakai Circuit from North Egmont Rd. map (Sara Harrison), signup closes: 12 Mar 2025. Iconic views of Taranaki. Fri night at the Camphouse, North Taranaki (bookings required). Saturday to Holly Hut (bookings required), via Pouakai Hut (closed). Sunday back to the Camphouse and pick up M group at Ihaia Rd before returning to Wellington. Max group size of 8. Sign up online Tags
  • Tramp(M) Egmont NP, Taranaki Half Circuit from Upper Kahui Road. map (Daniel Madley), signup closes: 12 Mar 2025. Visit huts on the Southern side of the mountain. Fri night at the Camphouse (bookings required). Saturday to Lake Dive (camping) or Waingongoro Hut (bookings required). Sunday out to Ihaia Rd via Brames falls track and Waiaua Gorge Hut (7-8 hours). Pick up by the EM group. Max group size of 4. Sign up online