Summer is coming and so is the summer schedule! – Track Talk – September 2014

Trip Planning

I sit here writing this at home whilst the hail is falling outside looking at the title of summer is coming and begin to doubt myself! Luckily the calendar reassures me that the warmer months are on their way and I put on my optimistic chief guide hat and envisage perfect tramping weather. Yes even the Tararuas will be bathed in sunshine as Harry leads his next Fitness Essential trip up his favourite part of the New Zealand back country.

On a less whimsical note we do have to plan the trips for the summer. Trip planning night is the 15th October 2015, 6 pm at Moncrieff street tramping hall. As usual we would love to see many people at the tramping club eating FREE pizza and sharing ideas for the next schedule. We usually divide off in to pairs to devise cunning tramps for each weekend. Do not worry if you have not done this before or feel that you are a bit unsure we can make sure you plan with someone a bit more experienced.

Before that we are looking for your preferred destinations for summer tramps. Over the last year we have started getting more and more ideas so please keep up the good work and help shape the next schedule. Ideas can be in as vague or as definite as you wish. They can be a particular tramp, a road end, a forest park, a vague recollection or just a preference for one of the three NZ islands! Please send your ideas to

Even better than ideas the way to guarantee a trip on the next schedule is to offer to lead it and if you have something you want to do just let me know the time and the place.

Once we have completed the trip planning we then begin the quest for trip leaders. Last schedule saw a good number of trips and it would be great to repeat that.

New trip leader mentoring

On the subject of trip leaders we are going to trial a mentoring program for members who wish to lead trips in the near future. We recognize that people can be nervous about leading trips and may want to hone some skills or just have someone to call/email with questions.

Tony Gazley has kindly volunteered for this role and I would encourage members to use his great knowledge and experience.

We also will pay half the course fees of any training that you may wish to do that would help you with your trip leading.

If you are interested please contact me at