New Trip Schedule
The new trip schedule is out! I would like to thank Debbie our assistant chief guide who organized the trip planning sessions whilst I was away on holiday. Printable version of the trip schedule here:
The schedule is full of some great trips so please take advantage of Debbie’s good work by signing up and going and having lots of fun!
I would also like to thank all the trip leaders who have signed up to lead trips. Getting trips out is what this club is all about. Everyone who volunteers to lead a trip of whatever type is very much appreciated.
There are also a few alpine trips which will require flights to the South Island. Make sure that you get a flight as early as you can as it is much cheaper! Contact the trip leader before you book the flights.
From stories I hear, Sharron Came, Allen Higgins, Marie Henderson, Tony Gazley, David Jewel and Brendan Eggcart did a great job passing on alpine skills to members of the club. For those who went on Snowcraft please remember it is as important that you now practice your new learnt skills whilst they are fresh. There are some great Alpine 1 trips on the new schedule.
Xmas trips
It is good to see some Xmas trips on the schedule. Please remember that these require a lot of organization so if you do sign up for them expect to help with the planning. Also please be aware that as it is a long trip the leader may be more selective in whom they take.
There is still room for some more Xmas trips so if you want to get together and organize one it is not too late. A club trip has access to the club vans, the gear store and the bookings for ferries. We do ask that if the trip is not on the schedule then it is advertised on the forum.
Finally can I just mention how great the tramping is in Norway! If you can, try and get there some day, but take a tent, it is an expensive country.