1 spot available on Angelus Hut trip

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    • #26167 Reply
      Catherine Mills

      Hi everyone,

      I’ve had a couple of people pull out of the medium Angelus Hut trip I’m leading to Nelson Lakes National Park this weekend (19-22 January 2018), and am looking around to see if there’s anyone interested in taking a spot so that the trip is still fully subscribed and people who can no longer go get their trip fees refunded.

      The key trip facts are that we’re meeting at the ferry terminal on Friday at 3:30pm, arriving back 10:30pm on Monday night, have booked to stay in Angelus Hut on both Saturday and Sunday nights and a backpackers on Friday night, and that the trip fee is $255 for members and $270 for non members (includes hut fees but not backpackers).

      Can you please contact me urgently at catherine.j.mills@gmail.com or on 021508679 if you’d like to take a spot on this trip.

      Cheers 🙂

    • #26177 Reply
      Melissa de Wolff

      Hi. We spoke on the phone last night. I’m really keen to come along if you still have a space. As i said, my friend Annie is also really keen so if any other spaces come up, she would be delighted to come. Please let me know how you would like me to pay you. Thanks. Melissa

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