Don’t try this at home …

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by Jennifer.
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    • #44601 Reply
      Tony Gazley

      … it’s so much better done at the WTMC Ruapehu Lodge. And it’s all so easy if you let auntie Marie whisk you away on one of her magical mystery tours. Auntie’s latest trip from the lodge was the best of all possible Tama Lakes trips. When only two people signed up and then just one of them made it to the lodge – and who then promptly defected to a Ruapehu Summit trip – and you happen to be temporarily of no-fixed-abode and squatting at the lodge then you will get auntie’s personalised one-on-one attention to all your whims. The total experience exceeded all of my wildest expectations. You should get yourself to the lodge sometime and try it for yourself – you won’t be disappointed.

    • #44697 Reply

      I tried it at home – and you’re right – it didn’t work. So I’ll come up to the lodge some time soon and try again.


    • #44733 Reply

      I tried and gave up too. I just couldn’t find anywhere outside my front door that looked remotely like the scenery in the wonderful photos.
      So I will have to be going to the WTMC Ruapehu Lodge sometime very soon.

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