Kia ora koutou
WTMC is looking for volunteers to help with hut and track maintenance.
Mountain House Shelter
The Shelter was built by WTMC and continues to be looked after by our members under a DOC agreement. If you have or want to start helping with maintenance of the Shelter, please contact .
Other Huts and Tracks maintenance
WTMC is a member of the Tararua Aorangi and Remutaka Hut Committee (TARHC), who are doing a fantastic job looking after a number of tracks and huts in the Wellington region. The latest the track programme progress has been posted on the TARHC website.
TARHC is looking for volunteers to help with track upkeep (e.g. Aorangi crossing). If you would like to be involved, please contact
Coordinating maintenance, liaising with DOC and TARHC
We are also looking for a volunteer to coordinate maintenance at the Mountain House Shelter and liaise with DOC and TARHC.
DOC requires annual reporting on maintenance progress made at the Shelter. TARHC meets every few months to discuss progress on maintenance.
If you are interested in taking on this role, please contact