Think about all those who have passed this way before you.
Stand on the beach with your back to the Tasman Sea and look up at the highest peaks in New Zealand, with Aoraki/ Mt Cook and Mt Tasman towering above the others.
Walk along the bush track to Three Mile Lagoon when there was once a gold mining town with 20 hotels, but with little to show for it now. Then walk back along the coast passing a lovely family outing.
Paddle your packraft out into the lagoon and watch the white herons (kōtuku) fishing in the shallows.
Paddle up the Ōkārito River with kowhai trees flowering on the banks and kahikatea forest behind.
Climb towards Craig Peak and look down onto the lower Fox Glacier.
End the days sitting on the beach watching the sun set over the ocean.
Not a bad way to pass the time.
You can see photos of other cool places to visit in the 2022 TrampingNZ Calendar. Hop down to Bivouac to get yourself a copy for $20 cash.