Powell Hut winter photos – July 1968, 2024, and 2054.

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    • #95143 Reply
      Tony Gazley

      Powell Hut Tararua Range July 1069, July 2024 and July 2054

      Photos of Powell Hut in the Tararua Foresst Park dated July 1968 and July 2024, plus an imaginary photo of Powell Hut in 2054 as a result of climate change and global warming.

      Photo of Powell Hut, Tararua Forest Park, in July 1968
      Powell Hut, July 1968

      Photo of Powell Hut, Tararua Forest Park, in July 2024
      Powell Hut, July 2024

      Photo of Powell Hut, Tararua Forest Park, in July 2054
      Powell Hut, July 2054?

      For more Tararua photos go to:


    • #95224 Reply

      luv the 1968 photo

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