The 2023 Tramping Calendar Haiku and Limerick Competition-by Harry Smith

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  • Author
    • #54976 Reply
      Tony Gazley

      As regular readers of this website will know, every year Tony Gazley produces a tramping calendar. And every year I somehow get roped in unwillingly to review it. For the last two years I have miraculously managed to avoid it, but now the nightmare is back. “I assume you are really keen….” says Tony in his email to me informing me of my participation, in a tone of voice that brooks no argument and suggests that some Cockney heavies will be coming around and knocking over the vases with long drawn-out exclamations of “oops” if I dare to say no. So it appears I am stuck with it.

      How can I ease the agony, I found myself wondering.  Looking back, I remembered that for the 2020 calendar I wrote the review as a long poem or rap, and Aimee Paterson responded with a nice concise haiku. And then inspiration struck. “That’s it!” I cried. “I can

      Go to Chapter 2

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Tony Gazley.
      • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Tony Gazley.
      • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Tony Gazley.
    • #54977 Reply

      Ooooh the suspense!!!

    • #54981 Reply
      Tony G

      Don’t miss next week’s exciting episode where Harry reveals his cunning plan to save his vases from the Cockney heavies.

    • #55011 Reply

      Call me Sherlock but I think I can already guess Harry’s Cunning Plan….

    • #55025 Reply

      I don’t think you can be so sure about that Holmes.
      Watson (Dr)

    • #55089 Reply

      Well Watson, Sir, what can I say?
      You’re quite unobservant today!
      I’m sure that I’m right,
      The clue’s in plain sight,
      The title line gives it away!!

    • #55094 Reply
      Watson (Dr)

      Haikus are easy.
      But sometimes they don’t make sense
      From Doctor Watson

    • #55121 Reply
      John Rhodes

      If that Winchcombe Biv. photo is a sample, I want the calendar whatever Harry says about it.

    • #55145 Reply

      You are right Watson,
      Haikus can be quite cryptic:

    • #55151 Reply

      No prizes for John
      if he doesn’t play the game –
      make it a haiku!

    • #55162 Reply
      Tony Gazley

      There’s something in her hair that’s quite wrong
      It looks more like that of King Kong
      When asked why it was so
      She said I don’t know
      But I think I’ve been in the bush for too long

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