Were you left with an old (but good) tramping pack after the Gear Sale and Swap night last month? Or perhaps you just have a tramping pack stashed in your cupboard gathering dust? If so, we want to hear from you!
The Club is thinking about ways we can better support new members into tramping. One of our ideas is to have a selection of packs available in the gear room that new members can borrow to take on their first few tramps (after which they will certainly fall in love with tramping and purchase their own!).
If you have a pack worthy of such an important job, and which you are willing to donate it to this cause, please message the page or email communications@wtmc.org.nz. The Communications Officer will arrange to view the pack, and if it is up to scratch,* take it off your hands!
*Mountain mules may not be what first time trampers are looking for!
Cheers team!