How to Book the Lodge
Before booking
When booking for the lodge the age categories are:
- Adult – over 18 yrs
- Youth (child) – 4 to 18 yrs
- Infant – under 4 yrs.
It is important to remember that the lodge is run by those staying there. A lodge leader is appointed for each stay and we ask that you follow their instructions.
If you are staying at the lodge, you will need to help to make sure it runs smoothly:
- A duties roster will be organised during your stay, asking you to look after a particular aspect of the lodge.
- Help out with the preparation of meals or other tasks that you have been rostered.
- Spend approximately 30 mins on cleaning tasks before you leave.
Booking online
The preferred method of booking your stay at the lodge is to visit the Lodge Bookings Page.
This is the most reliable booking method. Space availability and your booking will be confirmed by the online booking system immediately.
The internet based booking system will give you an option to request either a double (shared) or single bunk and you will have the ability to state your bunk or room preference. Every effort will be made to accommodate your selected preference. However, depending on prior selection by others your bunk preference is not guaranteed.
Booking manually using the Contact Form
Alternatively you can contact the booking officer using our Contact Form. Select ‘Lodge’ in the ‘To’ box of the form.
Bookings cannot be confirmed until payment is made. Online bookings will take precedence until payment is received and the Booking Officer has the time to process your booking manually.
Please state:
- Your name, email and phone number (mobile preferred),
- Arrival/departure dates,
- Number of nights,
- Names of individuals,
- Member/ Non Member,
- Booking type, e.g. adult, youth, infant
- Bunk preference (if you have one).
How to pay
When booking using the preferred online booking system pay by credit card.
When booking manually using the contact form then pay for your stay by depositing your money in the WTMC Club bank account:
Account name: Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering Club
Account number: 38-9017-0330533-00
Reference: ‘Name’ – Lodge – ‘Date’ (e.g. JohnSmith – Lodge -12Dec).
Use ‘Your Name – Lodge- Arrival Date’ as the banking reference, and let the Lodge Booking Officer know when you have paid and how much.
Booking Rules
1. Booking Priority. Bookings are first come, first served, with bookings open earlier for members than non-members. Winter bookings normally open on 1 May for members, and 1 Jun for non-members.
2. Booking Confirmation. Your booking is not confirmed until payment is received. NO PAYMENT = NO BOOKING.
3. Winter weekends
- Run from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon, including all meals on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. If planning to stay only one night in a weekend you still need to pay for the whole weekend.
- Bookings must be made by 9pm on the Wednesday prior to the weekend you want to book so that the food can be organised.
4. Winter weeks. Run for 5 nights from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon, during the winter ski season.
5. Vouching for non-members. When a member books non-members into the lodge they are accepting responsibility for their behaviour.
6. Direct Bookings from Non-Members.
- Bookings from non-members can be accepted. Bookings MAY be refused if they do not have Club members prepared to vouch for them.
- Non-members booking online will be required to enter a referring members name into the booking system.
- The lodge must always have a member staying in the lodge. Non-members not already accompanied by a member should contact the booking officer first before making a booking to check there is a member present for the stay.
7. Transport
- It is your responsibility to get yourself to and from the Lodge
- Be prepared for winter driving and carry snow chains
- If you need transport, then mention this to the Lodge Booking Officer; there may be car-pooling options available.
8. Refunds. All booking cancellations must be made through the Lodge Booking Officer. The refund policy is outlined on the Lodge Bookings Page.
9. Lodge Capacity. Lodge capacity is 32 persons including babies sleeping in cots. Due to safety regulations, overbooking the lodge on any night is not permitted.
Cost to stay in the Lodge
Go to the Bookings page for the current rates.