Updates to the Club’s Constitution

As has been communicated to members via email, we are in the process of updating the Club’s Constitution to meet new legal requirements. This is also a chance to refresh some of the content in the constitution.

  • All club members are invited to review the current Constitution now and provide their views on what needs to be retained, deleted, or amended. A link to an online form to provide feedback has been emailed to all members; if you haven’t received this, reach out to secretary@wtmc.org.nz. The form also seeks input on the current and draft purpose of the club and membership types
  • If you would like to be involved early in reviewing and discussing changes to the Constitution, please contact secretary@wtmc.org.nz.
  • The new Constitution will be circulated to all members shortly, with the view to adopt it at the next AGM, in April 2024. A meeting will be held to discuss the draft constitution on Wednesday 24 January (5.30-7pm), all members are invited to attend.

Why do we need to update the constitution?

  • WTMC is an incorporated society. The Club will need to update its constitution to comply with the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022.
  • This process is necessary to meet new legal requirements and review the Constitution to ensure it continues to be relevant and fit for purpose.
  • In addition, we are proposing to refresh the purpose of the club and the type of memberships enabled by the Constitution. 

What are the main changes?

  • You can expect to see significant technical changes in the Constitution, which are necessary to meet new legal requirements. The key changes required by the new legislation are set out here. While in practice WTMC already meets most requirements (for example, we already have a committee of three or more members), certain details now need to be specifically included in the Club’s constitution, as required by s26 of the new Act.
  • This is also an opportunity to refresh sections of the Constitution that are more specific to WTMC to make sure they reflect who we are as a Club. In particular, we are looking to review the purpose of the club and the type of membership enabled by the Constitution.

What is the process and timing to update the Constitution?

Preparing a first draft 

  • The New Zealand Companies Office has produced a Constitution Builder tool, which we have used as a starting point, to ensure the new Constitution meets all requirements. 
  • We are working through adapting the draft to ensure it reflects the Club’s purpose and ways of working. 

Working with interested members (January–February)

  • All club members are invited to review the current Constitution now and provide their views on what needs to be retained, deleted or amended. Feedback can be provided through this online form until 23 January. The form specifically seeks input on the current and draft Purpose of the Club and Membership Types. 
  • A meeting will be held to discuss the draft constitution on Wednesday 24 January (5.30-7pm)
  • If you would like to review an early draft and/or RSVP for the meeting, please contact secretary@wtmc.org.nz.

Seeking input from the wider membership (in February–March)

  • A near-final draft of the new Constitution will be circulated to all members in mid-February, with feedback due within two-weeks.
  • Comments will be considered for incorporation into the new Constitution.

Approving the new Constitution at the AGM (April)

  • The new Constitution will be provided to all members in March 2024 – at least three weeks prior to the AGM.
  • Subject to members’ approval, the new Constitution will be adopted at the AGM on 10 April 2024.

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