Ahead of our next AGM, available on the website here are the WTMC Annual Report 2021 (under Annual Reports ) and the WTMC Financial Statement 2010-2021 (under Financial Reports).
At the AGM we will be electing a new WTMC Committee for the April 2021 to March 2022 year. We will also vote on changes to the WTMC Constitution.
The AGM will be held at the clubrooms (4 Moncrieff St, Mt Victoria, Wellington) as well remotely via ‘Google Hangouts’. If we are unable to meet in-person (eg. because we are at COVID-19 alert level 2 or higher) we will only meet in person.
The Google Hangouts link to join is: https://meet.google.com/oue-qsxk-fbt
(Please make sure you have provided us with your current email address. If not, please email membership@wtmc.org.nz before Sunday 28 March asking to update your details.)
You will receive instructions on how to join us via email on Monday 30 March. If you do not receive these and would like to join us please email webmaster@wtmc.org.nz
Chair: Maj-Britt Engelhardt (President)
Minutes: Marie Henderson (Secretary)
- Apologies. Please send these in advance to secretary@wtmc.org.nz
- Minutes from 2020 AGM (under AGM Minutes)
- Presentation of the WTMC Annual Report 2021 and the 2021 Financial Report (which are both available here)
- Election of officers for the 2020/21 Committee year (see below for nominations)
- Vote on proposed changes to the WTMC Constitution:
- Proposed changes: (noted as tracked changes compared to original wording)
- Current WTMC Constitution (for reference)
- Proposed changes: (noted as tracked changes compared to original wording)
- Draft values and mission statement – for noting
- General business
The roles and nominations to date are:
- President – Maj-Britt Engelhardt
- Vice President – Tony Stephens
- Treasurer – Beverly Holder
- Chief Guide – VACANT
- Assistant Chief Guide – Maarten Ruiter
- Transport Officer – Fiona Millington
- Membership Officer – Jane Latchem
- Technology Officer – Juan Rada-Vilela
- Secretary – Aimee Paterson
- Promotions Officer – VACANT
- Communications Officer – Rasmus Altenkamp
- Social Convenor – VACANT
- Lodge Convenor – Brian Goodwin
- General Committee – Mike Campbell
If you are interested in any of the vacant (or other) roles, the person currently in the role would be able to provide an overview of the role (you can find them on the Committee page on our website).
To be nominated for a role, you need to find another WTMC member to nominate you by email to secretary@wtmc.org.nz and then you need to reply to accept the nomination. Nominations close 6 April 2021.
We also need people to help out in the following non-committee roles:
- Gear custodian
- Van maintenance officer
- Van cleaning
- Emergency contact (for one or more weekends a year)
- Door greeting (for one or more club nights)
If you can help with any of these roles, please contact president@wtmc.org.nz