It’s that time of year again!
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for Wednesday 6 April 2022, 7-8.30pm. The AGM will be held both in person at the clubrooms (4 Moncrieff Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington) and remotely via “Google Hangouts”.
This notice covers provision of the Annual Report and Financial Statements, nominations for the Committee, an agenda for the AGM, and information on how to join the AGM remotely through “Google Hangouts.”
Agenda for the AGM
Chair: Maj-Britt Engelhardt (President)
Minutes: Aimee Paterson (Secretary)
- Apologies. Please send these in advance to
- Approval of Minutes from AGM 2021 (also available by clicking “Newsletter” – “Documents” – “Annual Reports” – “2021-AGM.pdf”)
- Presentation of the WTMC Annual Report 2021 and the 2021 Financial Report (see above)
- Election of officers for the 2022/23 Committee year (see above)
- Voting on a new logo for the club (see below for information)
- General Business
Voting procedures
For Committee positions where only one candidate is proposed, votes will be taken by a show of hands for those in person (observed by the Secretary). For those on-line, this may be done visually or via the chat (observed by the Technology Officer). For other matters requiring a vote, for people attending in person we will have a ballot paper to fill out. The Secretary will collect and count these. For people attending via Google Hangouts, votes can be cast via email. The Technology Officer will count these and report them to the Secretary. As we are accepting votes by email, now is a good time to check that the Club has your correct email address. If that has changed, please let the Membership Officer know by mailing
Members unable to make it to the AGM may nominate a proxy if they wish to vote on their behalf. The proxy can be the meeting chair or any other member eligible to vote. You can (but do not have to) specify to the proxy how you wish them to vote on all or some matters. To be eligible to vote, members must be financially current and aged 18 years plus (as of the AGM date). Proxy votes are now closed.
Provision of the Annual Report and Financial Statements
At the AGM, we will be presenting the Annual Report and Financial Statements.
1) Annual Report (also available by clicking “Newsletter” – “Documents” – “Annual Reports” – “2022-annual-report.pdf”).
2) Financial Statements (also available by clicking “Newsletter” – “Documents” – “Financial Reports” – “2022-finanical-report.pdf”).
Nominations for the Committee
We will also be electing a new WTMC Committee for the period 7 April 2022 – 31 April 2023. Please see the list of nominations below. If you would like to volunteer for a role, or nominate someone for a role, please email
If you are unable to attend the AGM, either virtually or in-person, you can make a proxy vote by emailing the Chair at Proxy votes must be received at least 24 hours before the start of the AGM.
Role | Nominated person | Nominated by | Date of nomination |
President | Tony Stephens | Tony Stephens Maj-Britt Engelhardt | 28 February 2022 16 March 2022 |
President | Tony Gazley | Megan Sety | 28 February 2022 |
Vice-President | Jon Keyzer | Anne de Ferron | 23 March 2022 |
Treasurer | Maria Noel Abdala (known as Noel) | Tony Stephens | 27 March 2022 |
Secretary | Jamie Hawkins-Elder | Aimee Paterson | 3 March 2022 |
Chief Guide | Anne de Ferron | Maj-Britt Engelhardt | 22 February 2022 |
Assistant Chief Guide | Maarten Ruiter | Juan Rada-Vilela Anne de Ferron | 15 March 2022 3 March 2022 |
Lodge Convenor | Brian Goodwin | Aimee Paterson | 17 March 2022 |
Communications Officer | Anna Spencer | Aimee Paterson | 25 March 2022 |
Membership Officer | David Bakker | Tony Stephens Maj-Britt Engelhardt | 16 March 2022 16 March 2022 |
Social Convenor* | |||
Promotions Officer | Sam Davis | Anne de Ferron | 30 March 2022 |
Transport Officer | James Wratt | Anne de Ferron | 1 March 2022 |
Technology Officer (aka Webmaster) | Juan Rada-Vilela | Maarten Ruiter | 28 February 2022 |
General Committee | Sarah Fisher | Aimee Paterson | 16 March 2022 |
We have two nominations for President. Tony Stephens has contributed the following information about himself.
Tony Stephens

I have been an active member of WTMC since 2016 and in that time have led trips, hosted meetings, given presentations and served on the committee as social convenor and vice-president. I have been acting president since November 2021.
I believe in a cooperative style of leadership, leading with humility and being prepared to listen and change my mind.
Since taking over as acting president I have made some progress with lodge issues, club meetings, plans for the 75th anniversary, the club van and Paua hut. I would like to continue driving these initial steps forward over the next year. I think I have helped forge a more positive culture in the Club.
I do not have all the answers but with my close working relationship with the committee and with their expertise I believe I will be able to continue with the positive changes I have started to make.
Non-Committee roles
We are delighted to note the following people have put themselves forward for these important non-committee roles. However, we are always interested in spreading the load, so if you think you can assist any of these people, or are looking for some other way to help the Club out, please email
Role | Volunteer |
Newsletter Editor | Caryl Ramos |
Emergency Contact Coordinator | Sarah Fisher |
Gear Custodian | Ingeborg Hickey |
Paua Hut Maintenance | Ron Canham |
Paua Hut Bookings | Irina Winsley |
New Club Logo
A current club member has asked for the club to vote on a new club logo. The Club’s constitution says that “the Club colours and badge shall be agreed to by a simple majority of eligible members at a General Meeting.” We will therefore be taking a vote at the Annual General Meeting on whether to adopt the member’s proposed logo.
The motion is:1) To adopt the new proposed logo as the Club’s badge and to use the new proposed logo wherever the current logo is used.
Have your say on the Club’s Logo
Over the years it has been suggested to have the club’s logo replaced as the current logo does not reflect well the nature of our club and looks more fit for a climbing club logo rather than our tramping club.
A new logo was designed a while ago by Tim Bruce, a freelance designer and a passionate tramper. After going on one of our tramps, Tim was full of ideas on how to make the logo both more evocative and more appealing.
The current logo, and the new logo, are below, along with some words from Tim explaining the design.
The Unifying Aesthetic – Generating Nostalgia for the backcountry – from Tim Bruce:
The overarching visual theme, which is largely generated by the typeface and its composition, is that of nostalgia for what is fundamentally an old-fashioned pursuit. The hard yakka many associate with tramping is visually described through a chisel cut, stoic and vintage typeface. These visual connotations are then filtered through the sieve of clean contemporary design to achieve an honest, friendly, and memorable identity for the club. More than just ‘on trend’, its illustration of tramping’s status within the cultural mindset will ensure it is a long-survived solution.
The backcountry hut system forms the unique backbone of New Zealand’s tramping culture. This is true to the extent that, when asked to describe their most recent excursion, a tramper will rattle off the huts they passed on the trip. The club logo seeks to encapsulate this moment. It replaces the symbol of the axe in favour of something that speaks to both tramping and mountaineering, the humble little hut. Continuity with the current logo ends at the shield shape. The re-design shows a hut in the wilderness, dwarfed by the mountains. Before it, a path snakes its way into the valley, symbolising the journey. The bright lit hut door, key to drawing the viewer’s eye, infers activity. People are in the hut, perhaps members of the WTMC, perhaps they’re soon to climb the mountains in the background or perhaps they’ll tramp down the path in the foreground. This design speaks simply, honestly and memorably to the nature of tramping in NZ.

Joining through “Google Hangouts”
You can attend the AGM remotely via “Google Hangouts” using your computer or smart phone.
Follow this link from 6.55pm on Wednesday 6 April:
You may be prompted to allow your microphone and camera to be used.
Click “Ask to Join”.
Please mute your microphone when you join the meeting.
If you would like to speak during the meeting, you can use the chat function (you can see this by clicking the chat icon on the top right of your screen, and our IT Officer will invite you to unmute and speak.
If you are having trouble joining, please try an alternative web browser or alternative device.
See you at the AGM!