Ruapehu Rumblings – July 2014

The ski season is in full swing now and the snow on the T-bars in particular looks gorgeous. Ray Morgan’s driven the WTMC van up and down from Wellington a couple of times already and it’s been working well – we’ve had vans full of happy skiers, boarders, mountaineers and trampers.

24 July - Early season conditions-  looks pretty good, even better higher up
24 July – Early season conditions – looks pretty good, even better higher up

The next van weekends are 10-11 August and 15-16 August – the lodge is pretty full for that second one so get in quick. Cost is $136 for members and $192 for non-members, which gets you return transport, your accommodation, AND all your food for the weekend.

You can book a van ride directly through our booking system now – Thanks to Eric, the Lodge Booking guy, for sorting that out. Book your bunks and hit next, then if there’s a van going up you’ll see a van booking option.

If you have a weekend booking already, think about letting us drive you up there. If there are 3 or less of you, it’ll likely be cheaper than your car, and a whole lot more fun!

Contact me (Mike) at for more info on lodge weekends in the van, or anything else about the lodge really.

Come for the week

The lodge is open for bookings for the first two weeks of August (3-7 Aug and 10-14 Aug). So come on up for got-the-mountain-to-yourself weekday skiing and riding.

There are still spots available for the September school holidays, and Brian’s going to run another ‘club week’ on 21-25 September (just before the holidays) if there’s demand.

Thanks Geoff!

Many thanks to Geoff Wood, who spent last week at the lodge and while he was there, pulled the stereo apart and replaced the volume control module. It’s always been a bit ropy and I’ll for one thank Geoff every time I turn up the radio to hear the snow report and NOT have the sound cut out completely! Geoff also left us a proper waxing iron for the maintenance area, to replace the dodgy second-hand iron we had before. Much appreciated.