Transport update

Committee wants to remind all drivers of the club’s policies on driving vehicles on club trips. Travelling to/from the road end is the most dangerous part of any trip. It’s really important that people feel safe and risks are minimised.

You can view the WTMC driver protocols in full on the website. I have summarised some key points below.

The club expects that drivers on club trips will:

  • At all times follow the road code, including never exceeding the speed limit and not using mobile phones while driving
  • Not drink any alcohol in the 24 hours before driving a vehicle
  • Drive at a speed and in a manner that is comfortable for everyone who are travelling in the vehicle (this may be lower than the legal speed limit and depend on the conditions)
  • Pay for any traffic fines they incur (since the club expects drivers to follow the road code)
  • Follow the terms of any rental vehicle agreement
  • Report any damage or mechanical issues with a van to the transport officer promptly.

If you are a passenger on a club trip and you are concerned about the way the van is being driven, the best thing to do is to raise this with the driver at the time so that they can modify their driving. You can read the club’s expectations of both drivers and passengers in the driver protocols. A copy of the driver protocols is also available in each van. If you ever have immediate concerns about the way a van is being driven and do not feel you can approach the driver directly, please talk to others in the vehicle and ensure that someone raises this with the driver. You can also contact the transport officer by phone on 021 298 3310 or any other member of the committee. Feedback after the trip can be emailed to

We are always keen for members to become van drivers. To become a driver, all you need to do is complete the forms on the club website and return them to, along with a copy of both sides of your driver’s license. You will also be asked to sign a copy of the driver protocols. The club van driving policy and more information about driving vans can also be found on the website.

If you are interested in driving the van and would like the chance to practice, please come to a van familiarisation session. We are looking to run the next van familiarisation session on the morning of Saturday 22 August. If you are interested, please email This session will also cover fitting snow chains to the vans and is recommended if you will drive a van to the Lodge over winter.

More information about driving club vans can be found at

Richard Lardner

Transport officer