Intro to packrafting course in Wellington region – signups open

WTMC is once again organising a 2-day intro to packrafting course. The team from Packrafting New Zealand will be coming up to run the course with one day on the Hutt River and one day on the Otaki River (as weather allows).

If tramping and paddling had a baby, it would be packrafting. Packrafts are inflatable rafts that pack down as small as a one-man tent, and weigh around 3kg and can be easily carried in or strapped to your pack. It enables multi-modal transport in the back country. Instead of tramping in and out along a river valley, you can do one leg via packraft. It is relatively new to NZ, but the backcountry rivers provide some of the best opportunities in the world.

The cost is $499 and gear hire if you don’t have it is $100. You will need to be tramping fit (WTMC easy medium level) and you must be able to swim.

The course will cater for all levels of paddling ability.

WTMC members receive a discount, please contact for the discount code. WTMC membership must be currently renewed for 2019.

Limited to 12 spots, so book in now!

Register at

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