Track talk – February 2015

Trip Planning night & trip leaders for the new schedule

Thanks to all who have sent in their trip suggestions.

This article will go to print just before the club trip planning night. Everyone is welcome to trip planning. There is the bribe of free pizza and you get to shape the next schedule (or get the club to lead trips to where you want!) at 6pm Wednesday 4th March at the TTC hall.

Please come along even if you are relatively new to tramping as you will get to learn a new skill.

Once the schedule is planned we move into the leader recruitment stage. If you are interested in leading a trip on the next schedule and have not led one for the club before please contact me

Alpine thoughts

The club has seen great growth in mountaineering trips over the last few years. I must admit to being somewhat bias to them.

Alpine trips add to the adventure of tramping and can take you to some spectacular places. Rock climbing is a bit of a co. It may look hard core but generally involves large quantities of, talking, coffee drinking with occasional bouts of activity. And this could be YOU!

Megan Sety is currently facilitating  some introduction course through Fergs. These will give you the basics to come along on one of the club’s rock trips. If you’re interested in the Intro to Rock Climbing or Intro to Lead Rock Climbing, please contact Megan at

Later in July we will be running our Snowcraft course at the lodge. This  is a great introduction to snow travel using ice axe and crampons. More of this in the next newsletter.

New Chief Guide & Assistant Chief Guide

At the end of March and after a couple of years in the job both Debbie and I will be stepping down from our club roles and we are therefore on the lookout for two keen club members to take our places.

We may have an assistant chief guide but so far no one has volunteered for the chief guide role. The chief guide has a key part to play in getting all the trips running and without a new one the recent increase in club activity will falter.

Definitions for the roles can be found on the club website

If you are interested please contact me at