From the Green Crocs – February 2011

I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year break, WT&MC is back up and running already, our first club trips of the year battled the stormy weather over Wellington Anniversary weekend. Sandra and I were battling the crowds at the Big Day Out, which was a fantastic day, despite the rain.

I know that you will have enjoyed reading the club’s journal over the break, many thanks to Tony and Jackie for another superb job!

There are a few things coming up that you will probably want to note in your diaries. rd Firstly, our Info Night (aka New Members Night) is on February 23 . If you have friends, family or workmates who may be interested in our club, that night will be a great chance for them to come along and find out all about us. Of course we welcome newcomers at any time, but the Info Night is a one-stop shop with all of the clubs activities being promoted! If you want to help out on the night, our Promotions officer Megan would love to hear from you!

The next highlight is the Photo Competition on March 2, entries close on February 9, you can check the club website for details of categories and other important information. The photo comp is certainly one of the social night highlights of the year, and a Wednesday night not to be missed!

Last but certainly not least is the Annual General Meeting (our 64th if you were wondering) on April 6. While I appreciate that many people find AGMs rather dull, it is important that members have an opportunity to discuss the clubs affairs. The committee is happy to deal with issues and questions at any time, but the AGM is the perfect time to ask that big (or little) question.

One of the most important parts of the AGM is electing a new committee, we will have 3 vacancies on committee for the 2011/12 year, President, Newsletter Editor, and Assistant Chief Guide. If you are keen to help out the club in one of these roles, you can talk to the person currently in the role (or myself) about what is involved. Nominations can be made for any committee position, even if the current office-holder is planning to continue. While it has been a while since we had a vote for a committee role, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen rd this year. Nominations will close on March 23 . See me if you need a nomination form.

There are lots of ways you can help out the club if being on committee is not your scene. We always need people to do slideshows on Wed nights, write trip reports for the newsletter, greet people at the door, lead trips, drive the van, look after the gear cupboard, and more. You can talk to the appropriate committee person, or ask me if you are not sure who to talk to, if you’d like to help.

You can always contact me on, or I am usually around on club nights

Darren Hammond