From the Green Crocs – March 2010

If the last week is anything to go by, summer is still clinging on, and it is great to see lots of people out enjoying the good weather. With Easter being fairly early this year, I expect that many of you will be planning some great multi-day trips, and the club has a fantastic selection of South Island trips. Make sure you sign up quickly!

Trip planning never stops for long though, and a planning meeting was held at the clubrooms this Monday, to come up with a draft Winter schedule, which covers May to August 201o. Paul or Melissa will shortly be looking for trip leaders for this schedule, and we hope to have the draft schedule on the Trip Planning Wiki link (under Trips) on the club website very soon.

This weekend, our Assistant Chief Guide, Melissa Hewson is taking a group to Paua Hut in the Rimutakas for our Bushcraft course, hopefully the weather will stay fine and warm, and the participants learn a lot, and enjoy themselves. We hope to see you on some more club trips soon. Thanks to Melissa and her team of volunteers for organising this course.

I mentioned the Annual General Meeting in my last report, this is on Wed April 14th at the club rooms. The club’s Annual Report will be included with this newsletter, if you have any questions or issues about the report, or club affairs in general, you can raise them at the AGM, or by contacting me if you can’t make it to the meeting.

We are still looking for people to fill the following vacancies on committee, Chief Guide, Promotions, Secretary, and 2 Vice Presidents. Also vacant is the non-committee position of Gear Custodian. If you would like to know more about each position, you can talk to the person who is currently in the role (or me), or check out Committee Job Descriptions under Downloads on Nominations close on March 31st.

I know that a committee role is a big commitment of time and energy, but it is vital for the club to have people in all committee positions so that we can keep the club running as well as possible to serve you, the members. If you do have the time and energy to give to the club, we would love to talk to you!

You can contact me on, or I am usually around on club nights.

Darren Hammond