From the Green Crocs – March 2011

Obviously the tragic events in Christchurch this week are on many people’s minds at the moment. I hope that anyone who has friends and family in the city has heard that all are safe and well. As a former resident of the city, it has been a huge shock for me to hear about the loss of life, and the see the images of the destruction of large numbers of buildings. The city has been changed forever…

Now onto less serious stuff …

We are always keen to get new people involved in WT&MC, and this Wednesday (23rd) we held our Annual New Members Night. The evening was a great success, with around 50 new people attending. Thanks to our Promotions Officer Megan for organising it, and to all who helped out.

If you have friends, family, or workmates who are interested in the club, but couldn’t make the New Members Night, they can come along ANY Wednesday to sign up for trips, ask questions about the club, watch a slideshow, and have a cuppa and a biscuit.

Last time I mentioned the upcoming Annual General Meeting on April 6th, and our committee vacancies for the 2011/12 year. We are still looking for people to fill the following roles; President, Vice President(s), Membership Officer and Assistant Chief Guide. If you are keen to help out the club in one of these roles, you can talk to the person currently in the role (or me) about what is involved.

Nominations will close on March 23rd, there is a nomination form in this newsletter and also on the club website ( under Downloads / Forms / Committee Nomination Form 2011/12. Completed forms can be handed to me or our Secretary, Mika.

There are lots of other ways you can help out the club if being on committee is not your scene. We always need people to do slideshows on Wed nights, write trip reports for the newsletter, greet people at the door, lead trips, drive the van, look after the gear cupboard, and more. You can talk to the appropriate committee person, or ask me if you are not sure who to talk to, if you’d like to help.

Next Wednesday, March 2nd, is a highlight of the social calendar, the Club’s Photo
Competition. It’s sure to be a great night, I’m sorry to be missing it, but The Chemical Brothers are playing that night in Auckland 🙂

You can always contact me on, or I am usually around on club nights

Darren Hammond