From the Green Crocs – November 2010

Last month I mentioned that we were looking for some new club officers, and I am very pleased to tell you that all 3 vacancies have been filled. Megan Banks takes over as
Promotions Officer, Mika Verheul is our new Secretary, and Pete Gent will be Gear Custodian. Many thanks to those members for volunteering for those roles, it is great to have some new blood on committee.

There was a story in the Labour Weekend papers about the 2 trampers who died in the Tararuas last July, and while the article missed a good chance to offer some basic advice, I think it is a good reminder of why we take the safety precautions we do on club trips.

Firstly, we always carry flies or tents even if we plan on staying at a hut. You never know what will happen, and when you will need your own shelter. Next, the club has personal locator beacons, which are free for use on club trips, and may be needed on any grade of trip. It is worth having a cell-phone as a backup, while coverage is not guaranteed, it is pretty good these days, especially above the bush line.

Lastly, you should always check the weather forecast carefully before you go, and pay close attention while you are out, as conditions can change extremely quickly out in the bush. With most of our groups, there will be a range of fitness levels and quality of gear, you need to make sure that all of the group can get to your destination, sometimes the best decision is to turn back, or to stay where you are.

This is also a good opportunity to give credit to the club members who volunteer for Search and Rescue. We hope we will never need them for one of our trips, but we will be in safe hands if we do!

Club transport officer Gareth Morton is getting married in early November, nice one mate! While Gareth is away on honeymoon, Erik VanderSpek will be acting transport officer. The email address will be the best way to contact Erik for your transport needs.

Finally, an update on my hip injury, I cast off my crutches a few weeks ago, and even managed a 4 hour day walk at Labour Weekend, with no ill effects. So hopefully I will be tramping again by the New Year!

You can always contact me on, or I am usually around on club nights

Darren Hammond