From the Green Crocs – October 2010

I don’t need to tell you that we’ve had a very wet winter, so well done to those of you who have been getting out in the hills. We finally seem to be getting a few warmer days, so hopefully summer is not too far away.

Many of you will know that I am recovering from a fractured hip, so my physical activity is limited for a few more months yet. Those of you that have had a serious leg injury will know the frustration of wanting to get out in the hills, but your body telling you no! I hope those of you that can get out will make the most of the great selection of trips we have coming up.

As mentioned in the last newsletter, the club’s Winter Ball was held on August 21st, and was a great night. Big thanks to Donna and Jenny for organising a great event, and Sharron for being MC for the night

This month we farewell two more people from the committee, our Secretary Sharleen Grounds, and our Promotions Officer Megan Sety.  Both Sharleen and Megan joined the committee this year, and have made a great contribution to the club. We are sad to see you go.

What this means is that we now have 3 vacancies which we need to fill

Secretary – takes minutes at monthly committee meetings and sends out minutes and agenda of those meetings.

Promotions – organises door roster for club nights, and co-ordinates annual Info/New Members Night in February.

Gear Custodian – organises gear room roster, and deals with any gear repair / purchases. Note that is not a committee position i.e. you don’t have to go to the meetings.

While all of these jobs do involve a reasonable amount of work, none of them are especially arduous, as long as you are well-organised.

You will all know that the club operates on a volunteer labour, and we need you, the members, to step up and help out. All 3 of the positions above are important to the smooth running of the club, so we need people to come forward and take up these roles.

Expressions of interest, and questions about the roles should be addressed to me initially, although other committee members may be able to answer your questions.

You can always contact me on, or I am occasionally (☺) around on club nights

Darren Hammond