The spring trip schedule will reach you with this newsletter, there are some really great trips on offer, so I hope you are able to get out and enjoy the great NZ outdoors with WT&MC. Thanks to all the people who have volunteered to lead trips, especially those who are leading trips for the first time. There are a few trips listed as Leader Required, if you would like to see these trips run, all volunteers to lead these trips (or any extra trips!) are gratefully accepted, Amanda or Melissa would love to hear from you.
There are lots of other ways you can help out the club if leading trips is not your scene. We always need people to do slideshows or greet people at the door on Wed nights, write trip reports for the newsletter, drive the van, look after the gear cupboard, and more. You can talk to the appropriate committee person, or ask me if you are not sure who to talk to, if you’d like to help.
This Saturday just gone (Aug 21st), the club held a ball for the first time in many years. If the hard work that Donna, Sally, Jenny, and Jo put in organising this is a reflection on the event, I know that all those who went had a great time!
Committee minutes have been available on the club website under the Downloads section for a few months now, and I can see that a few of you have had a look at these, which is great to see. The committee is working on behalf of you, the members, and we want you to know what we have been doing and talking about. If you ever have any questions or issues about anything in these minutes, get in touch with me.
The committee meetings themselves are open to members, they are generally on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at a committee members house. If you would like to attend a meeting, just let me know. We need to know you are coming, so that there are enough chairs Note that you will not be able to vote on any motions, but your opinions will be welcome.
We have a couple of General Committee vacancies at the moment, if you are interested in having a voice at committee level, and helping out the club, why not attend a meeting and see if you’d like to join us?
Finally, our Gear Custodian, Anthony Mulick is leaving us at the end of August to return to
Christchurch. Many thanks for all you have done for the club over the last few years, Ant.
This means that the Gear Custodian role is now free, let me know if you’d like to know more about this position. Note that you don’t need to be in the gear room every Wednesday or attend committee meetings!
You can always contact me on, or I am usually around on club nights.
Darren Hammond