From the President …in February 2022 …

Tēnā koutou katoa

Although there been a few weekends of tumultuous weather–it hasn’t deterred our outdoors community with plenty of safe, fun adventures. I’ve included a few photos from our Vice President Tony from just one of these (South Saddle to Mukamuka stream, camping near the coast).

There’s lots more to get involved in. The new schedule to June is  now online (huge thanks to Anne for coordinating and all our volunteer leaders!). Lots for all levels – and from across the North Island down to the Richmond Ranges, Kaikoura and Nelson Lakes and more further south.

The year started quietly for the Families group, with some of the bad weather combined with injured leaders cancelling several of our planned trips. That said, they had an awesome trip to Turere Lodge just before school went back – fantastic weather, the quiet of the Orongorongo Valley on a Friday afternoon, taking the old Jacobs Ladder track, finding Macs Hut on our way out…

Heading in to March and April we are hoping to start seeing a range of trips beyond easy day trips. The plan for 2022 also sees the club hoping to run a basic bushcraft for adults AND an adult leadership course to encourage more of our parents to lead trips. If you’re keen to get involved, contact to join the mailing list.

Our Chief Guide Anne has also been doing some leadership training, including to help support some of our newer leaders. Email Anne at if you’re interested in any future leadership courses, or any other training.

Byron is also keen on any more for the newsletter. If you’ve been on any trips or training, he’s more than happy to help support you with a trip report. Photos, stories, even a route map and set of statistics are all welcome. Email

As we’re nearing the end of the ‘WTMC year’, there’s still some vacant positions which we’re yet to have someone nominated for:  Vice-President;  Secretary, Social Convenor, Lodge Convenor; Promotions and Transport Officer  If you’re interested in any of these, or any other Committee roles, or want to nominate someone, email Aimee at, or talk to anyone in the Committee.

And for those who like cars – and vans – the club also needs someone to help out in the Van Maintenance role. Email Tony at .

The AGM will be on Wed 7 April, 7.30pm at the club’s meeting room (Tararua Tramping Hall) as well as online (a Google hangouts like will be sent out).

Noho mai rā ngā manaakitanga ki a koutou katoa (Stay well, remain well all),



Almost home. Photo credit: Tony Stephens

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