Nature of Things – Jan 2014

Kia ora fellow trampers!

Hopefully you like our new blog style newsletter. Big thanks to Mike G, Steve K and Megan S for making it happen. It’s been a long time coming but worth the wait I think. A bit like the AGM! Yep this will be happening on Wednesday 9 April at the Clubrooms. Come along at 7.30pm for an 8pm start. Don’t be late or you may find we’ve finished and headed off to the pub without you. If you have any agenda items for the AGM please let me know asap otherwise we will be dealing with the usual stuff – apologies, minutes from the 2013 AGM, presentation of the Annual Report and Club Financials and the election of officers for the 2014 Committee.

Already we’ve received a number of nominations for the 2014 Committee and we are in discussions with a few members who are likely to volunteer to fill a committee role or one of the important roles off committee. The level of enthusiasm for taking on jobs is really cool as it shows we have a healthy club and it allows those of us who have been doing quite a bit of club work to take a break and recharge our batteries.  There is a list of nominations below, this list is subject to change as not everyone has signed on the dotted line yet! We can have up to 15 people on the committee so if you are interested get in touch. You can find committee job descriptions and nomination details on the website.

President Amanda Wells
Vice President Tony Gazley
Secretary Rebecca Day
Treasurer Brendan Eckert
Chief Guide Mike Phethean
Assistant Chief Guide Debbie Buck
Transport Richard Lardner
Membership Jo Fink
Promotions Mike Gilbert
Communications (new role) Katy Glenie
Social Convenor Sue Walsh
Lodge Convenor Brian Goodwin
Journal editor (off committee) Ian Harrison
Newsletter editor (off committee) Megan Sety
Webmaster (off committee) Richard House
Gear Custodian (off committee) Peter Silverwood

Meantime big thanks to Beth Piggot and Richard Lyth for taking over responsibility for co-ordinating the family trips. If you’re interested in family tramping, send an email to Thanks also to Ian Harrison who is organising the Club Photo Comp again. Don’t forget to send your entries in, details on the website forum. We have a few specific jobs that we need to fill. In particular we are looking for the following:

  • Club emergency contact person organiser
  • Trip money checker
  • Door and gear hire money banker
  • Organising training like bushcraft, snowcraft and outdoor first aid
  • Promoting the lodge

These roles are infinitely more glamorous and important than they sound. If you are interested your first task will be to come up with a job title that reflects this! At a minimum get in touch.

Currently WTMC is in good heart, I’ll talk about this more in the March newsletter by which time the Annual Report should be complete. I’m really keen that we keep WTMC in good heart. The best way to do this is to have as many active and engaged members as possible. With this in mind we have decided to introduce a Communications role onto the Committee. This person will be responsible for coming up with a communications strategy aimed at ensuring we are both catering to the needs of existing members but also reaching out to potential new members. Our Comms person will be working closely with the Promotions Officer and the Social Convenor to help make our Wednesday nights and other club activities even better than they are already. It would be great if everyone were to rally around and support Katy, Mike G and Sue in particular to help make this happen.

In 2014 we will continue to experiment with alternative promotional and trip sign up ideas with a view to trying to increase participation on club trips and the Wednesday nights along with usage of the Club Lodge. The Committee is really keen to hear people’s ideas, in particular what people think of the Meet Up trial which we have been using for signing up people for a limited number of trips but also to organise Lodge trips and to get people along to Wednesday nights. If you have any feedback talk to a committee member on a Wednesday night or email

Finally, we are having a New Members Night on Wed 19 Feb. If you can help out contact David and please spread the word to any friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues who may be interested in finding out more about us. Also, if you are available to help out on the night, David would love to hear from you.

Enjoy your summer. See ya out in the hills.