Ruapehu Lodge Photo Competition

The lodge subcommittee is keen to promote the lodge not only as accommodation for skiers and boarders but also as an attractive base for summer adventures – day walks, weekend tramps, rock climbing, summer skiing, MTBing, canyoning, sunny BBQs on the deck at the end of a day, and lots more. 

As part of this we are organising a club photo competition to get some exciting pictures for our web pages, Facebook and other publicity material. Starting immediately here are the very simple rules: 

  • All photos need to have a ‘lodge theme’. What this means is entirely up to you – but photos of your cat on the bed at home are unlikely to win you a prize. An example pic is below.
  • Photos may be any resolution, taken on any camera – but clearly better quality photos will be more useful.  
  • Closing date for entries is 31 May 2018. 
  • Send all entries to at full resolution. 
  • Entries will be judged by members’ vote on a club Wednesday meeting sometime in June. 
  • We have some cool prizes. First prize is a free weekend for two people at the lodge. Second and third prizes are Bivouac vouchers. 


Megan Sety climbing at Whakapapa Gorge

Megan Sety climbing at Whakapapa Gorge – 15 minutes walk from the lodge

So – simple as. All you have to do now is get up to the lodge and start clicking. There will be a number of club trips scheduled to the mountain over summer to get you started – but remember club members can book and use the lodge at any time and non-members are welcome to come along. Additionally the lodge will be open between 26 December to 7 January – just rock up – no booking required.

Happy snapping. 

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