Welcome to 2015! I’m pleased to say that there is a super range of presentations lined up for you:
- This coming Wednesday we have Shaun Barnett and Chris Maclean talking about their book “Tramping, A New Zealand History.” This is bound to be a fantastic presentation so come along.
- 11th Feb is our new trampers night. The more the merrier – come along to tell others how great our club is.
- 18th Feb Kevin Cole takes us overseas to the Dolomites.
- 25th Feb Brendan takes up Mt Cupola.
- 4th Mar Josh Tabor will take us on a thought provoking trip when he talks about setting off a PLB on a club trip. This is also Trip Planning night – free pizza and trip planning activities start at 6pm!
- 11th March our very own newsletter editor Megan will take us on the recent New Years trip to the Darrans, Fiordland.
- 18th March I take you down to Stewart Island.
- 25th March – We finish off March with our annual photo competition so this will be night not be missed. Watch for competition details soon or email Tony Gazley at vicepresident@wtmc.org.nz.
As always I’m on the lookout for speakers and ideas for presentations. You can drop me a line at social@wtmc.org.nz or have a chat down at club. See you there!