Transport – July 2009

The club is still wishing to attract more volunteers to help with driving the club vans on weekend trips.  We currently have just 32 people out of a club membership of almost 400 adults approved to drive the vans. We would like to get this number to at least 50 as soon as possible.  This will help to share the driving duties so that no one person would need to drive the van for a period of more than 3 hours in one stretch. To become a vetted driver all you need to do is go to the club website and print off a copy of the Driver Form.  Complete this short form and attach a photocopy of your Drivers Licence and give to myself at club night or email to

If you have any questions about the responsibilities involved with driving our 12 seater Manual Ford Transit vans please speak to me or send me an email and I will happily answer any concerns.