Topographical Turpitude – August 2009

track talkGreetings All

Tips for Leaders can be found on


  • Make sure the trip sheet is on the trip noticeboard – check with the Chief Guide or Assistant Chief Guide if it is not.
  • Make an announcement about your trip to get others to sign up at Wednesday night Club meetings.
  • Restrict your trip to a manageable number of people. If there are many others wanting to do the trip, another person could lead a second trip.  Consider forming another party if there’s lots of interest.


  • Write up and distribute a plan to your party
  • Provide them with a gear list
  • Let them know the departure and expected return details.
  • Make sure they know what is expected of them, eg. bringing communal food for dinner and BYO food for other meals.
  • Make individual lists for group gear and communal food.

Collecting money and confirming numbers

  • South Island trips – payment is required 2 Wednesday’s before departure. If trampers do not pay, their places cannot be confirmed for ferries.
  • North Island trips – payment should be received on the Wednesday before the trip leaves.
  • The trip money form should be filled out and passed to the Transport Money Officer.
  • Ensure the Chief Guide knows your trip numbers approximately 1 week before the trip and contact them if your trip numbers change. This is required to ensure transport requirements can be met.
  • If someone has not paid by the due date, it is the leaders decision whether or not they allow them on the trip. If you do accept them, it will be your responsibility to follow up and collect the fare.

Search and rescue and overdue trips

  • Complete an Intentions Sheet and forward it to the overdue/emergency contact person for the weekend. If you do not know who this is please contact the Emergency Contact Coordinator.
  • Forward the overdue trip contact details to your party (name and phone number will be assigned before departure). They can leave these with their families, flatmates or friends.
  • Ensure the gear requirements sheet is filled out and handed to the Gear Custodian.  The contact phone numbers will be used in the event of a trip returning late.


The Club has a policy of no alcohol on trips without the prior approval from the Chief Guide.  Some exceptions may apply for social or gourmet trips – check first.


  • Check if any of your party are vegetarian
  • Rules of thumb:
    • Rice/pasta/couscous – 100-125g per person
    • Fresh meat/vegetables etc. – 300g per person
    • A packet of biscuits will suffice for a dessert.

Group gear

  • Tents and flies – The Club has tents for alpine trips only, otherwise flies can be used. Please remind trampers to return them clean and dry.  Although pegs are available, you may choose to use rocks, logs etc instead rather than carry this extra weight.
  • Emergency Kit – all trampers are expected to bring a personal first aid kit. These should compliment the Club emergency kit, which does not include items such as basic sticking plasters. If the emergency kit is used, please ensure the Gear Custodian is made aware of this.
  • Cooker/Fuel – although this is shared group gear, the Club does not provide these for use. You will need to find trampers who have them.  Let those who are bringing cookers know how many will be used as this will determine the amount of fuel brought.  Weight the purchase of fuel against others who buy food.

Route planning and navigation

  • Check the route before the trip so you are familiar with huts, tracks, river crossings. There are several guidebooks on tramping that may provide information, but feel free to contact the Chief Guide, Assistant Chief Guide or others who’ve been to the area before.
  • Maps – generally the 1:50,000 topographic series are used for trips. For cycling and kayaking trips a park map or 1:250,000 will often suffice.  Maps are available at discounted rates to all FMC members.  An order form is in the back of each FMC journal.
  • Make sure you have all the appropriate maps and a compass. Photocopy notes from a guidebook (they’re lighter and avoid damaging your guide book).

Don’t forget about Paua Hut free for members and $6 per person per night if non-member. Paua Hut for Bookings email

For Ruapehu Lodge Bookings contact

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