In the last news letter I asked for ideas about where people would like to go over summer – there is still time to send me your ideas. If you have a specific trip you would like to lead, go on then, let me know and even the dates you would like it to be. There have been quite a few good suggestions so far, which means we will have a nicely varied summer schedule. You can contact me at
The next part of the process is the trip planning night. The most important part of the evening is the free pizza at the start. Then once bloated on bread we divide into small groups and work out cool trips for each road end. There will be a supply of maps and guidebooks but it’s great if people also bring their own. Each group then fills the spreadsheet up with their ideas and picks another road end until all are done.
We start at 6pm and finish about 7:15pm. You don’t need to be an expert or have vast knowledge of tramping – we will match up people’s experience and this is a good way to learn trip planning.
After this the spreadsheet is available on Google Docs and trip leaders can sign up to lead a trip. Leaders are encouraged to sign up early, but I think I live in hope rather than expectation!
If you haven’t led a trip before this would be an excellent time to consider doing so. We offer quite a bit of support for new leaders. There are usually a number of navigation trips on a schedule and these are an excellent way to improve your route finding. There will hopefully be a leadership course and this helps with both the planning process and the softer people management side of things. Finally both Debbie and I spend some time making sure your first trip is coming together and pointing out where to get bits of help if necessary (the WTMC website has some great information).
Of course worrying about food is now sooooooo last year. We have a new edition of the cookbook and it is very easy to pick a recipe out which meets every one’s dietary requirements. Even better print the recipe and delegate someone in your group to be in charge of cooking. Well done to Illona and Megan for putting the latest edition together.
Oh and although you might not believe it, the weather is getting better so now is the time to go tramping. Heaps!