It’s nearly a new (tramping club) year, so time for some resolutions. Remember leaders’ forums? They are back, as of Wednesday 2 May. Meet at 6.45pm in the cafe above the Embassy to talk routes, meals and other trip leading intricacies. Feel free to come along to just chat about trip leading if you’re vaguely inclining in that direction. Or just to fill in some time pre club!
If you are feeling leader-like, now is the ideal time to take action. We are currently working on the Winter schedule, which has a deadline of Friday 20 April. To sign up to lead, just edit the Google document. If you don’t have the link, drop me an email at and I’ll send it to you. We particularly need people to sign up NOW to lead the first two weeks of the schedule – otherwise we get to the end of April and the board is bare…
There are a lot of new people trying us out at the moment. Remember that they might need a bit more info about a trip so that they can make a good decision about whether it’s right for them. As a leader, don’t be afraid to ask about potential punters’ experience. It’s much better for people to do something too easy but still have a great time than to do something far enough out of their comfort zone that they never come back.
New people also need educating about our emergency contacts system. The bottom line is that if you aren’t back by Sunday night, the club emergency contact will ensure the Police are alerted. He or she needs to know your intentions, including back up plans, any relevant medical conditions, and your punters’ emergency contacts. This process is not optional; it stands for some of our core values as a club. Please make our rostered club emergency contacts’ lives easier and get this info to them in a timely way.
We are looking at organising an outdoor first aid course in conjunction with the Alpine Club. If you are interested, please drop an email to Richard ( We’ve had a great response to the recent Bushcraft course. Huge thanks to Mika and Hans for their hard work and leadership.