Track Talk – July 2013

During the next couple of months myself and Debbie will be carrying out my first trip schedule planning. We do these planning sessions three times a year and the next schedule to be produced is for the spring time.

The schedule should be a reflection of where the club members would like to go and therefore I would like as many members input as possible. If there is a particular tramp that would you like to do then please email with the details at This does not mean that you have to lead the trip but if you do that would be even better.

From this list of requests and some of our creativity (?) we compile a list of road ends for our trip planning night on the 24th July at 6pm at the club rooms. Please feel free to come along to this evening. We even bribe you to do so by providing free pizza (and witty tramping anecdotes.) During the pre club session we divide up into small groups and plan the tramps using maps and guidebooks (please do bring any you have.)

Do not be intimated if you are new to tramping and have not yet gained a large experience of the NZ outdoors. This is a good process to learn and we will happily pair you up with someone more experienced if necessary.

After this night there is the leader recruitment stage. Last schedule we had a good number of first time leaders and it would be good to repeat this. Even if you are new to the club please do consider leading a trip, the sign up spreadsheet will be advertised on the forum.

Finally I would like to draw people’s attention to the alpine schedule. As alpine trips are harder to lead we nowadays plan them pretty much for the year to suit the leaders availability. This task has been done very ably by David Jewel and the annual list can be found here:

This is a good resource for all the snowcrafters to consolidate their new skills by getting out on the ALP 1 trips. (ALP 2 trips require a higher skill base.)