Track Talk – June 2014 – Trip Planning for Spring and Upcoming Trip Leaders Course

Spring Schedule Trip Planning

The spring schedule trip planning night is on the 2nd July at 6pm at the TTC hall. All are welcome and your attendance is encouraged further by the provision of FREE pizza.

Please do not believe that you have to have oodles of tramps under your belt to come to trip planning night. We usually divide into pairs so if you are less experienced we can give you a knowledgeable buddy.

Before the trip planning night we first need to know where you want to go tramping. All forms of ideas are welcome. They can include detailed routes, road ends, national / forest parks or vaguely recalled tramps from chats or articles. Please send them to the

Trip leaders will be requested

Once the trip planning process is finished then we start building the schedule by getting volunteers from the club to lead the trips. An email is sent out to all existing trip leaders with details of how to sign up.

Trips are what the club is about so please continue the good work and sign up to lead a trip on the next schedule.

If you have not let a trip for the club and wish to do so contact the and I will take you through the process. We offer support to help you through your first trip

Trip Leaders course

Coincidentally,  we are running a trip leading course on the 25th – 27th July. This is a one day course run from the clubrooms. The course includes details on how to lead a trip using the tramping club systems. It also includes an invaluable section on the softer skills of managing people on your trips. There is a nominal charge for lunch.

Whilst the course is primarily aimed at first time leaders, it is also worthwhile for those who have only led a few trips.