Christmas tramping: what to do when the weather isn’t with you….

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

Come and hear club member Illona talk about a Christmas trip to Bounds (well not really) Leatham conservation area. What makes a successful Christmas trip? The answer: a great crew, 6 days, seeing one other person and half a day of rain. What is curious about Leatham conservation area: Sir Ed, the fear of the ... Read more


Lodge subcommittee monthly meeting

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

The WTMC Lodge subcommittee meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month. Meeting are held in the gear room. Entrance is by the side door of the TTC Hall. If you are interested attending, please contact the Lodge Convenor first at


Travelling through West Mongolia in 2019

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

Come to hear club member Marjan share her story of traveling in Mongolia. About meeting the landscape and the locals and...why falling in love with a camel is unavoidable...


WTMC Committee Meeting

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

The WTMC Committee meet on the first Wednesday of the month. Please contact in advance if you wish to attend.


WTMC New Members Night 2021

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

Summer is here! And that means more time to explore the great New Zealand outdoors! Want to find out how? We love tramping and are always looking for new people to join our community. We organise more than 200 trips a year that include tramping and alpine, as well as kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing ... Read more


Hiking through Uganda’s Rwenzori Mountains

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

Postponed until Covid Level 1. Jonty Crane hiked in gumboots through endless mud among diverse landscapes and exotic flora in Uganda’s Rwenzori Mountains, and summited 5,109m Mt Stanley, Africa’s third-highest peak.


WTMC Talks: Chasing the Asymptotic Ultralight Feedback Loop

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

Come and hear Raphael talk about about the pitfalls of gear obsession while thru-hiking the three long trails in the states (AT, PCT, CDT), & the TA.


Solo tramping the Five Passes (and a little bit more)

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

Come and hear club member Rasmus talk about his Christmas holiday adventure doing the Routeburn and Five Passes tramps, back-to-back, and on his own!


Lodge subcommittee monthly meetings

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

The WTMC Lodge subcommittee meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month. Meeting are held in the gear room. Entrance is by the side door of the TTC Hall. If you are interested attending, please contact the Lodge Convenor first at