HAPPENING via Google Hangouts – Winter Wonderland – alpine trips with the WTMC – Henry Fisher

Google Hangouts 4 Moncrieff Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand

Please join us this Wednesday 15 April at 7:30pm for the first of our virtual club talks: "Winter Wonderland: Alpine Trips with the WTMC" with Henry Fisher. Henry will talk about what sort of alpine trips the club usually runs, what we might get up to this year, how you can get involved, and how ... Read more


CANCELLED – WTMC Lodge Leader training

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

***This event, Wednesday social nights and club trips are cancelled until further notice. Please see our website for more details: https://wtmc.org.nz/president/wtmc-covid-19/ **** If you are interested in being able to operate the WTMC lodge or need a refresher on the workings of the lodge then this is for you. These sessions are open to WTMC ... Read more


WTMC Committee Meeting

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

The WTMC Committee meet on the first Wednesday of the month. Arrangements will be made to hold this meeting remotely if necessary. Please contact president@wtmc.org.nz in advance if you wish to attend.

WTMC Talks: Tramping the Te Araroa Trail (North Island) with Rasmus

Google Hangouts 4 Moncrieff Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand

Please join us this Wednesday 13 May at 7.30pm for the second of our virtual club talks, tramping the Te Araroa Trail (the North Island) with Rasmus. Ever wondered what's it like to walk the Te Araroa Trail? Tune in this Wednesday to hear Rasmus' first hand experience of hiking the North Island, including bioluminescence, ... Read more


Lodge subcommittee monthly meeting

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

The WTMC Lodge subcommittee meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month. Meeting are held in the gear room. Entrance is by the side door of the TTC Hall. If you are interested attending, please contact the Lodge Convenor first at lodgeconvenor@gmail.com.

WTMC Talks: Feeding the people who feed the Kakapos – Being a volunteer chef on Codfish Island

Google Hangouts 4 Moncrieff Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand

Please join us Wednesday 27 May at 7.30pm for the third of our virtual club talks, "Feeding the people who feed the Kakapos - Being a volunteer chef on Codfish Island" with Katja Riedel. Katja has worked as a volunteer chef on Codfish Island on three different occassions. This tiny island off the coast of ... Read more


WTMC Committee Meeting

TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

The WTMC Committee meet on the first Wednesday of the month. Please contact president@wtmc.org.nz in advance if you wish to attend.