Canyoning Intro 101
Google Hangouts 4 Moncrieff Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, New ZealandIn preparation for a number of upcoming WTMC canyoning trips over the summer, the club will be running an introductory evening session for members interested in getting involved in canyoning.
A kiwi cycle odyssey to the Outer Hebrides with a bike ride in Mexico – Illona Keenan and Kate Cushing
Google Hangouts 4 Moncrieff Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, New ZealandLodge subcommittee monthly meeting
TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New ZealandThe WTMC Lodge subcommittee meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month. Meeting are held in the gear room. Entrance is by the side door of the TTC Hall. If you are interested attending, please contact the Lodge Convenor first at
Jump in to Rock Climbing – Henry Fisher
Google Hangouts 4 Moncrieff Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, New ZealandSummer is coming and rock climbing is a great way to have fun in unusual places. Whether you’re just starting out or already have some skills, Henry will talk about where you can climb around Wellington, climbing around the country, how to get involved, what gear you will need, how to get the skills to ... Read more
WTMC Committee Meeting
TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New ZealandThe WTMC Committee meet on the first Wednesday of the month. Please contact in advance if you wish to attend.
Backcountry decision-making: the hillbilly brain with Ken MacIver
Google Hangouts 4 Moncrieff Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, New ZealandBoardwalks and Bogs: a section hike in Estonia – Claire Pettigrew
Google Hangouts 4 Moncrieff Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, New ZealandWith giants on horizon – beauties of Kaimanawa – Tereza Bublikova
Google Hangouts 4 Moncrieff Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, New ZealandLodge subcommittee monthly meeting
TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New ZealandThe WTMC Lodge subcommittee meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month. Meeting are held in the gear room. Entrance is by the side door of the TTC Hall. If you are interested attending, please contact the Lodge Convenor first at