WTMC Committee Meeting
TTC Hall - WTMC Gear room 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington, Wellington, New ZealandThe WTMC Committee meet on the first Wednesday of the month. Please contact president@wtmc.org.nz in advance if you wish to attend.
The WTMC Committee meet on the first Wednesday of the month. Please contact president@wtmc.org.nz in advance if you wish to attend.
A welcome night for all new members and those interested in joining the Club! This evening is a great chance to meet people involved in the club, ask questions and check out some of the gear which normally goes on a tramping trip. We'll have a presentation on how the club is organised, and a ... Read more
A visual recap of a walk around Bergen's famous seven mountains in 2018.
The WTMC Committee meet on the first Wednesday of the month. Please contact president@wtmc.org.nz in advance if you wish to attend.
Thinking about walking the Abel Tasman Coastal Track Great Walk? Interested in a bonus adventure? Why not also try the Inland Track! Come out and hear about Amanda's trip walking a loop in Abel Tasman National Park over the New Year's holiday. Stunning photos guaranteed.
An off track adventure attempting to link multiple crashed planes in the Tararua range. Doors open at 7, talk starts at 7.30pm.
Come along for a brew & bite at the Fork & Brewer on Bond Street! Following the success of our Thanks Mate event late last year, we're looking to hold another social event at the Fork & Brewer at the end of March. A great way to meet new people and catch up with ... Read more
Henry Fisher will talk about what alpine trips are like with the WTMC, how to get involved in alpine trips (WTMC Snowcraft, other potential course providers, and the differences between them), and where basic alpine skills - plus practice practice practice - can take you beyond club trips. We'll also have a Q&A session so ... Read more