$8m for Flushing Toilets

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    • #11759 Reply
      Raymond Morgan

      The Government is boosting conservation funding by $8 million in this year’s budget.

      The package includes more money for repairing facilities, protecting endangered species and public awareness initiatives.

      Conservation Minister, Sandra Lee, announced plans for a three-year, $16 million programme to rebuild and replace DOC huts, public toilets and other visitor facilities on conservation land.

      Ms Lee said more than 600 huts would be upgraded, while at least 30 would be replaced altogether.

      She also confirmed that a proposed new fee system for DOC huts and campsites had been put on hold, saying she had seen no compelling evidence for changes.

      Ms Lee said there would also be more money for the Government’s five-year biodiversity strategy to protect endangered plants and animals, announced last year.

      Budget funding for the Ministry for the Environment will also increase by $6 million this year, to enable it to carry out work on waste management, climate change and genetic engineering.

      The Environmental Risk Management Agency is also to get a $1 million funding boost.

      ? NewsRoom 2001

    • #16128 Reply

      I hope the money is only going into sensible safety or environmental upgrades of facilities and I wonder how much of it will filter down to the “backcountry” outside of the Great Walks.

      Any idea how much is going towards actual conservation?

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