A very good moral message

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      I think the President provided us with a very sobering message about the perils of those seeking adventure in the outdoors in his monthly rave in the latest Newsletter – thanks Wayne! It’s so easy to forget the occasions when I’ve often thought to myself “I could easily die doing this”.

      Turning to other things, for those of you who don’t already know, the WT&MC Webmaster will retire somtime early in the new year. I have a lot of interesting IT things to learn as well as some research I need to do for my Masters of Information Management. Maintaining and developing the website, studying, working and trying to have a life, and get into the outdoors means that something has to yield to available time. Having said that, there will be some new developments coming to this site very soon so wait a see what develops.


      BTW, send me an e-mail if you’re remotely interested in doing the webmaster’s job. I’ll reply instantaneously as I clear my e-mails from my new Palm IIIc via my Nokia IR phone from the top of Mt Holdsworth.

      | http://www.wtmc.org.nz
      Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering Club
      PO Box 5068 | Wellington | New Zealand

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