Bike ride this WED

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    • #12013 Reply
      Paul Carter

      Club Bike ride this Wednesday.

      Meeting at Star Mart on the Terrace at 6pm.

      Will be riding/walking tracks in Mt Victoria.

    • #16271 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Hi all,

      Yep, daylight saving is here and with the long summer evenings, there will be a weekely bike ride on Wednesday’s before the club meeting.

      The plan is to meet at the Star Mart on the Terrace / Aurora Tce corner at 5:20pm and head off for a couple of hours – then grab something to eat and roll along to the clubrooms by 8pm.

      Invite along friends or workmates …. all very informal, no trip lists, just turn up if you feel like it. The leader will pick a route of sorts. This is a good opportunity to build the cycling fitness for Taupo. The trips are listed on the trip schedule or get the details from the website


    • #16272 Reply
      Paul Carter

      agree will meet at 5.20pm at Star Mart.

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