Boot resole

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    • #13164 Reply
      Andrew Mann

      Does anyone know a good place to get tramping boots resoled? I had mine done but have had the sole come off.

    • #17047 Reply
      Don Goodhue

      Try the out fit across the road from the central Police Station. I was recommended them by Bivoauc. (Hurry-up Shoe Repairs)

    • #17051 Reply
      Hazel Roberts

      I got my boots done at Hurry-Up too (the place opp the Police Stn). They did a great repair job at very reasonable cost. The toes of my boots were detaching from the soles and they glued the toes back on and also put a new toe piece over the whole lot. Not quite a re-sole but it serves the purpose.

      I couldn’t find anybody to resole fully but understood from ?Bivouac?? that somebody might be starting up soon.

      Cheers, Hazel

    • #17052 Reply
      Andrew Mann

      Thanks guys – I will give them ago.

    • #17055 Reply
      Andrew McLellan

      Bizzare – I had my Scarpa boots resoled (sole sliced back and new sole spliced on to old and reglued) by the same Hurry Up shop but i ended up taking them back 3 or 4 times. The uppers on my Scarpas were still in good nick – the original soles weren’t badly worn but had started to come away from the uppers. On reflection I should sent them back to the dealers (Fairydown) and tried for a warranty as soles should not come unstuck under normal wear and tear. The attempted resoling came off after a very gentle 4/5 hour walk in to a hut – just as well it wasn’t half way into the big Xmas trip that was planned. The soles have since come off again after every use but i’ve given up and got a new pair of boots. It cost about $100 for the “fixit job” – I don’t consider it was well spent.

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