Changes to 2001 S25 Tararuas Map

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    • #12002 Reply
      Andrew Chisholm

      Hi folks

      I just stumbled upon this link which descibes changes to the 2001 edition S25 (Levin) 1:50,000 map. They’re considered significant enough that you can send your 2001 edition in for a replacement.

      There are a number of changes including track and hut locations, and the pdf file includes a voucher and address to use to get a replacement.


    • #16266 Reply

      Thanks Andrew, but I wish you’d stumbled across it a week earlier! I was leading the trip to Burn Hut last weekend and had been told about the new track south of the hut but I assumed it continued south along the ridge top to join up with the Puketurua Track, rather than dropping off down that spur into College Creek! And I also went and bought a new map to replace my old one which was falling to pieces and discovered there is absolutely no sub-alpine scrub shown north of about Mt Dundas! It looks like you could do some pretty awesome trips along all those new open tops they’ve discovered up there! I was going to send them an email about it, so it’s good to hear that they already know about it and are offering free replacement maps.

      – Harry

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