Club Open Night 17 Oct

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    • #11840 Reply
      Stuart Douce

      The club is having a new members open night on wednesday 17th of October at the Clubrooms. Start time is 7.45pm or whenever Jim gets the tea flowing.

      So, if you have been looking at this site for ages and have been thinking of coming along, next week is your big date with the club.

      You will get to meet some friendly people passionate about the outdoors and it won’t be scary at all.

      There will be free info packs given out, awesome speakers will talk briefly on various aspects of the club, and you won’t be pressured into buying anything!

      After talks, slide shows and stuff hang around for free coffee/tea/milo/vanilla tea (If Jim’s in a good mood) and biscuits.

      The club rooms are the Tararua Tramping Clubrooms (an old church) and are in Mongrieff st, off Elizabeth st, Mt Vic.

      if you have any questions, send me an email, otherwise I expect to see you there!


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