Emergency First Aid Kits

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    • #13231 Reply

      I am looking to revise the contents of our emergency first aid kits. Any feedback on the current kits would be appreciated, and any suggestions on additional items that we should perhaps include.

    • #17079 Reply
      Anne Elk (,

      Ahem. An elicopter would be very handy! Especially on Mt Egmont.

    • #17080 Reply
      Allan Mac (,

      Seriously though, I suggest you get in contact with St Johns Ambulance. They can probably sell you all you need. They have this service where you take in what youve got and sell you what you havent. Of course you may wish to add a few things not normally in a household kit like:
      * emergency blanket
      * blister pad thingys

    • #17081 Reply
      Don Goodhue

      : I am looking to revise the contents of our emergency first aid kits. Any feedback on the current kits would be appreciated, and any suggestions on additional items that we should perhaps include.
      : Thanks

      The policy in the past was that these were to deal with the “serious” items. Punters are expected to carry what they need to deal with minor ailments such as blisters and minor nicks and scratches. I would suggest that this continues to be the case or else we will end up where we did some years ago with these kits being plundered on most trips to deal with these items.

    • #17085 Reply
      Andrew (,

      I think the contents of the kits are pretty much exactly what is needed for emergencies. The kits should not be seen as a resource for blister prevention and treatment – this is not an emergency situation. I cant recall the exact contents but patient assesment forms and generic asthma inhalers could be a worthwhile addition if not already included.
      Not sure about adding survival gear as again each member of a trip should have that as their basic gear, and b/w a group there should be enough ewxtra gear to cope with an emergency situation – it would tend to raise space issues with the containers as well.
      Harriette Carr might be able/willing to assist. I could also get a list of the contents of the emergency kits used by SAR but they are a lot more than I think we need on club trips.

    • #17086 Reply
      Andrew Chisholm

      What about some sort of emergency antihistamine?
      I was on a club trip a couple of years ago when a woman was stung 10+ times by wasps when she almost walked into a nest. I had some antihistamines but no-one else did. Is that a potentially serious situation with wasp levels these days, especially when people may not be aware of their own reactions?

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