Helen Clarke

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    • #11817 Reply

      I just wanted to say that Jim (and his newly graduated side-kick) did a splendid job last night as Social Convenor. Their friendly, light hearted manner made for a good evening. Well done to all who made it happen.

      Shall we have Jim Bolger come and talk to us about the Milford? Not.


    • #16168 Reply

      Thanks for those comments, Stephen.
      I confess to a few nerves, but I’m sure that helps. I’d definitely vote for her if I got my citizenship before the next election (despite working in Internal Affairs, I don’t think this will happen…) as I thought she was
      flipping marvellous, to use a good pommy phrase. Very down-to-earth and good-humoured. And it was great that she hung around until 9.20 and talked to all and sundry. And she even drank a mug of Jeff’s tea, which was quite brave, I thought.
      We took over $200 on the door, I can report. Always good to get some of that TTC money… It’ll keep us in fancy tea bags for months to come.

    • #16169 Reply
      Andrew McLellan

      Hey Jim you don’t have to be a citizen to vote – being a permanent resident is sufficient.

      Well done on a very entertaining evening – I think even the PM’s bodyguard cracked a smile ocassionally.

    • #16170 Reply
      Jeffrey Weir

      A big thanks also to Troy Vasa for supplying the Datashow Projector. Cheers Elf-man!

    • #16172 Reply
      Jim Kimber

      Aha – that’s good news, thanks for letting me know. Like to participate in democracy when I can…

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