Ice axe – Hammer

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    • #11821 Reply
      Grant Newton


      I’m looking for a hammer for mountaineering trips, preferably second hand as I struggle to justify spending the big $$ when it would only get limited use. Does anyone out there know where I may get one?

      Or does anyone know of a place that offers these for hire?


    • #16173 Reply
      Graham Bussell

      Hi Grant

      Someone might prove me wrong, but getting hold of a hammer second hand is not easy with demand far outstripping supply.

      You might just have to be patient and wait – keep an eye out in the various NZAC section newsletters, shop for sale notice boards for a possible sighting.

      I also believe Bivouac had reasonably cheap no frills hammers on sale a month or two ago for about $250 but I’m not sure if they have any left now.

      If you get really desperate there’s a CHarlet Moser hammer lying in the head of Agnes stream on the way to the Garden of Eden (courtesy of vuwtc)

      good luck

    • #16174 Reply
      Andrew Russell

      I got one from cash converters so that could be worth a look. Although I agree with Graham’s comments above that demand out ways supply so being in the right place at the right time would be an advantage!!

      Cheers Andrew

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